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2 years ago

With “Defraggler” it goes. But I’m not sure if this goes for individual partitions or just makes the complete disk.

In any case, the program tries to get everything to the beginning or in the middle on the hard drive and while if you have a larger file that is kept in one piece (usually a part of the file is there, then between there any other smaller files and then another part of the file, …), which also speeds up reading the file.

I also believe what you want to do(?)

2 years ago

I had that question this week.

Do yourself a favor and copy the data to another drive, then repartition and format the disk. Then copy the data back.

the reductions work, but take a very long time because all data and the filesystem factors must be transferred. It can take hours.

2 years ago

no one, because thanks to SSDs this has become unnecessary, with SSDs fragmenting would also shorten the durability.