Welches Tier macht sägende Geräusche?
Zur Dämmerung hören wir zur Zeit laute sägende Geräusche, die zum Teil die ganze Nacht über andauern. Es klingt ähnliche wie das Instrument Guiro (Ratsche), das man vielleicht aus dem Musikunterricht kennt. Welche Tiere könnten das sein?
Barbecue, cicadas.
Frogs of the day
Frogs at night
These are frogs! That is why there are often small guiros in frog form.
yes clearly cheer the just one tree
You obviously haven’t heard a Guiro or a frog…
sads both of you a little bleyd?
Not that stupid we can’t write anymore. German well-marked
How do you get it;D
Dwarf birds aren’t so heavy.
You have to have mega muscles. I mean such a sheep is obviously not very easy
kept goats and goats for years.
And you’ve obviously never seen a goat with bock
hedgehogs have an astonishing range of noises… and they’re also instinctive.
or the sawtooth
will be a schnarching man