Welches Tier könnte sich bei uns in den Dachschrägen verstecken?
Hallo ihr Lieben , es wird etwas länger um es auch etwas verständlicher zu machen.
Seit fast zwei Monaten hören wir in unserem Schlafzimmer im Dachgeschoss an den schrägen Geräusche sie sind recht laut hören sich wie ein kratzen an zum teil wie Flügel die gegen das Holz hauen und einmalig kurz ein piepsen . ( Es ist ein Holzfertighaus und die Dachschrägen im Schlafzimmer sind ebenfals mit Holz versehen). Jetzt haben wir mal die Tür wo man zu dem seitlichen Teil des Dachbodens kommt aufgemacht und Kot gefunden .( Das eher sehr verteilt und nicht viel ) .
Ein Kammerjäger war gestern auch da ( war aber nicht wirklich vom Fach und sehr teuer ) er hat das Türchen geöffnet kurz reingeschaut ohne Licht und ohne kurz reinzugehen und meinte also vom Geräusch ist es ein Marder vom kot könnte es eine Ratte sein daraufhin haben wir Ihm gesagt das wir hier vermehrt und direkt am Haus Fledermäuse haben ( zu denen würde das Geräusch passen auch zum Teil der Kot und die Zeit an dem die Geräusche sind , eher ab 22 uhr) mit Fledermäusen kannte er sich nicht aus Bestand aber auf Ratten und Marder zur selben Zeit und wollte Gift sprühen und Giftköder legen das wollten wir nicht da er uns nichts genaues sagen konnte obwohl er den Kot gesehen hat ( aus der tüte hersus).
Jetzt haben wir aber mal der Nabu bilder vom kot geschickt diese kennen sich eher damit aus um Fledermäusen nicht zu schaden fals es diese auch simd und haben eine Lebendfalle aufgestellt.
Hat jenand von euch Erfahrung mit sowas gehab?
Sheer bats are insect eaters, therefore bats are shiny and dry crumbling, consists of chitin (the insect pans). These aren’t normal cakes.
we have a marten and a raccoon on the attic. the marten gets everything full, looks like a cat, a little thinner and the raccoon makes knocks.
Rat jersey is significantly smaller than Marderkot
The Kothaufen resemble each other exactly as described, it wouldn’t fit a marten as they are too “small “. They really look like a rat, suede mouse or seven-beat as they are almost the same. We still hope it’s the bats and nothing else harms
If it falls into bare crumbs, it is bats. The difference also occurs to a laiaen the first time when you know it.
These black pieces, they’re shining?
I’ve added an image to the question when it was blurred
And today there was nothing in the trap, we leave them there for 1 night, then change the place, and if there is still nothing, someone from the Nabu will come:)
We did it and they were crumbling (the super chamber hunter still pushed it on a rat) but since we had read in we did not let him carry out any work that he still seemed so “profisonel “.
So if they’re bats, they’d have to be seen somehow. You have to put yourself in the mood. We also got Marder through on the attic, there was a chamber hunter scattered such a powder, then was rest. Rats and mice already gave, there traps have helped against the mice, the bigger ones then got Lekkerlies. Then calm down.
We can only see you flying around the house in the evening, as where the noises come from at the attic we don’t get so easy there dazzling is we only see the bunk at the floor where we get up and hear the noises at night:) let’s see if something goes into the trap:)
Seven sleepers are also possible. Since these animals are smaller, the feces cannot be very large.
These are the animals where we are so insecure by the Kot because seven-sleepers rats and bats are very similar. Is this the Zeir they are active and have already had experiences with it?
Yeah, we already had seven-sleepers. I think it’s a shame you don’t hear them anymore.
Very welcome 🙂
Thank you
We had no damage. Although they are very small, this trillion is clearly to be heard, evening and night.
May I ask you how they belonged to you and whether you had done damage?
According to this page, certain bats are looking for children’s tubes for their boys only in the summer under the roof.
https://www.nabu.de/tiere-und- Pflanzen/saeugetiere/fledermaeuse/wissen/01373.html
I used to hear such noises under my former boss, but during the day, I put myself in front of the house and looked at the roof. And at some point, I saw a singing bird that’s crawled into a hole between the roof beams and bricks. He’s been pricking around out there like a spear that I thought the knocking noise was first, but it was a singing bird that probably had his house.
Birds would also be nice but the cot doesn’t fit, we almost accept all the animals with us because we live directly on the field is conscious of that we have other inhabitants here;’) but rat and marder in the house would not be so great there just too much harm can be missed.
Well, if you hear some sort of slapsing, rats and marders should fail as sub-renters.
You need to install a little wildlife camera when you get to the place where you hear sounds. It’s for little money.
We will report:)
Then let me know what it was when you know.
We’ll try that next, nothing changes in the living trap. Since we are now also in contact with the nabu, then someone would come by to see
I also had noises on the attic. The wild camera then showed what’s going on:
I could just line up.
I’m on it and I’m getting a camera for my garden. Because on Sunday I had to find that some animal had eaten the polystyrene eyes of my oak bark crocodile on the pond. One eye is missing completely, the other buzzed on the water.
Interesting question: What animal eats polystyrene? :-))
Take this with the wild camera! I have an Apeman H65. At the H45 you can only see a round cut with light, the rest is in the dark.
O God is this sweet, has he done any damage? The cot doesn’t fit, but what can hide there
I don’t know if he’s done damage, because I haven’t been living here for so long, but since I live here, the attic is unchanged. And the raccoon lives there, I think, for years. At some point, I had looked up to the roof in the dusk and wondered why the chimney at the top is so round.
At the end of last year, I thought there was a marten and got me a live trap. The next morning feed away, trap up, but no animal in it. Then I put in food, and the trap was allowed. Nevertheless, the next morning the bowl was empty, not the smallest rest was there more. That went like that for a while until I decided to take the flashlight up. And then I saw him, first from the front, then from the side. A giant cattle! I then brought the trap back and made myself smart, which the raccoon is actually for a timemate. And he likes to be pale. I’ll have him fed.
It can take time! I did something yesterday and today, which has been waiting for two years! Better late than never! But yes, this guard bear flap has a certain priotity. It must be waterproof that it does not rain, and the wood, or whatever I have to take, must also be waterproof. Hm, I could take Plexiglas. The thought takes shape ….
Fals a solution was found please let me know now I am curious 😂
I have also already thought of providing a buffer for the window and also the frame with rubber from a bicycle jacket, but I fear that there is a distance where the wind has an attack surface and then tears off the window.
I have to let the idea with the cat flap go through my head. It doesn’t have to be as big as the window. I’m sure it’s kind of going. Just have to find out how. That would be really brilliant!
This is, of course, bad, but still nice that you try to make yourself and the animal righteous 😊 a kind of cat flap would certainly not work. Had no one heard the raccoon “hidden” in the house but the idea with the garden is also beautiful.Ohja windows in front of all at the roof are very expensive we also have to change one because water intruded
I just need to find a solution because he doesn’t get behind him when he’s through the roof. The roof window, which belongs there, was broken and I glued the frame necessary and used Plexiglas, but fear that it does not hold when it rises there and it always falls behind it. According to the request, a new roofing diester is worth over 1000 euros. So I’m worried that if it rains, I put a big cat’s bowl under it. Have already thought to build him a hiding place on the plot in the hope that he will find it and accept it.
Oh what a great story:) so great that he can stay there:)