Welches Tier am besten als Anfänger halten?

Hey Leute,

ich möchte mir ein Gecko, chameleon oder bartagam holen. Jetzt ist die Frage was für einen Anfänger am besten wäre und welche Sachen man kaufen soll. Habe ein 120 Liter Aquarium wollte es erst damit machen aber habe dann gelesen das es nicht empfehlenswert ist ein Aquarium zu benutzen. Könnt ihr gute Sachen empfehlen. Wäre sehr freundlich 🙂

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4 years ago

Leopard geckos are good for beginners who are also very zahm, but please not only one who are very same, and not two males, but a male and 2 – 3 females. terrarium size at least 1 m x 0.50 x 0.50, the greater the better. And don’t save on technology!!!

In the meantime, I have no more Geckos, but I have 3 aquariums at the time and started with a small 60l, meanwhile my largest 500 liters.

4 years ago

Starting with the aquarium I have a 60 liter aquarium and a few small fish. Among them were zebrabärblinge. All ordinary animals!

The trend then went to large aquariums, exotic bargains that really mixed up the bud. There was good breeding success, but at some point the point was reached where there was no more fun.

I had the really nice experiences and learning success with small aquariums and very unmodern fishing. When one morning I saw the zebrabärblings as they began to smile in the early sunlight, I did not go to the lecture.

I put the fertilized eggs into a separate salmon dish in the aquarium and the brood raised, successful. This was much more productive than to get exotics that are marveled (sollen), but the understanding (breeding) cannot deliver and thus quickly become uninteresting.

4 years ago

Fish is clearly the best