Welches Ticket brauch ich (Nrw)?

Hey, ich fahre nie mit der Bahn/Zug. Ich möchte von Dortmund nach Düsseldorf fahren mit 2 weiteren Personen. Reicht dafür ein Tagesticket für 3 Personen in der Preisstufe D (47€). Umfasst das dann die Fahrt dahin und vor Ort? Oder gilt das nicht für beides?

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9 months ago

Too little info.

  • In your traffic network, there seems to be expansion tickets if jmd. has a time card that in this case applies to a too small area. You didn’t write what you did.
  • For example, if you look for connections on Bahn.de, you must activate the filter “only traffic”. Otherwise you’ll get div. Connections that you could not use and connections where the ticket is not valid.
  • Basically, the ticket you mentioned does not seem to be so wrong, even though I do not know in detail about this traffic connection. Watch if the buyer gets sick, whether it is still valid. buy short term.


9 months ago


For the price you can travel together for 24 hours to three people in the heart of the entire VRR area.

Limitation: You may not go to 1st class on the train and you may not use long distance trains (ICE, IC, EC, Flixtrain, Thalys) or long distance buses (flixbus, etc.). Ships should also normally be taboo.

9 months ago

The 24-hour ticket price level D is correct for this.

It applies throughout the VRR area in regional trains, S-Bahns, subways, trams and buses.
