Which course of study is harder?
Computer Science B.Sc. at a private university of applied sciences:
Software Engineering B.Sc. at a public university:
Computer Science B.Sc. at a private university of applied sciences:
Software Engineering B.Sc. at a public university:
Hello! I've been interested in becoming a psychotherapist for quite some time. Since I haven't been able to find much information about it online, I wanted to ask what the fastest/smartest training path is. I'm also considering physiotherapy. Could I possibly do further training or postgraduate studies to become a psychotherapist, or would I have…
I want to do a part-time job to earn some extra money. However, I'm afraid I won't be good enough and I'll make mistakes. Do you have any tips on how I should deal with this? I am a rather quiet person and do relatively well at school
How long had he actually been working on it? I have a business idea, I have something similar in mind, well it is something completely different but the effect is the same, it generates energy that could benefit all of humanity, I came across it by chance, I didn't intend to come up with a…
Hi, Does anyone know anything about studying medicine in Great Britain (is admission more difficult, easier, or the same as here in Germany, costs, etc.) and can tell me something about it? I won't be taking my Abitur until next school year, but I'm very busy thinking about what I want to study. Best regards…
I applied to KIT and TU Berlin for an MSc in Electrical Engineering. I already completed my bachelor's degree abroad (in Hungary).
Hello everyone, So, I completed an apprenticeship as an IT systems electronics technician at the beginning of August 2024. I didn't stay with the company and have been looking for a new position ever since. At first, I wrote fewer applications than I do now; now I've written 70. I'm applying for positions as an…
Also grundsätzlich lässt sich das pauschal nicht beantworten, i.d.R. ist an einer Uni der Mathematikanteil höher & die Programmierpraxis geringer.
Und da Mathematik das ist was von den meisten als “am schwierigsten” angesehen wird, würde ich behaupten ist das universitäre Studium anspruchsvoller.
Software-Engineering als Studiengang ist aber auch nix anderes als Informatik, und das bietet soweit ich weiß nur die uni Ulm an.
Ab diesem Wintersemester bietet die Uni Duisburg-Essen auch Software Engineering an. Finde ich total cool, aber da ist auch theoretische Informatik dabei.
Habe halt schon bald einen dualen Partner für die private FH, also studiere ich glaube ich lieber dual an einer privaten FH, statt Vollzeit an einer staatlichen Uni.
In den meisten Fällen sind staatliche Unis anspruchsvoller als private FHs. Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel 😉