Welches Schneckenkorn ist am wirksamsten?
Ich habe schon verschiedenes probiert, aber habe das Gefühl, die lachen nur darüber!
Schneckentot: Neudorf, Dehner + Substral, hatte ich glaube ich?
Hatte kupfernes Klebeband. + ca. solches Gitter: Rachlicy Kupfergitter reines Kupfernetz Kupferdrahtgitter Fine Drahtnetz Rollkupfer -Masch für Schädlingsbekämpfung Gebäudelöcher Anlagen Schutz 10 m : Amazon.de: Garten
Schneckenlinsen ist doof weil die liegen bleiben!
Zerbröselte Eierschale, bei solchen Obstschalen ( Beerenschale, Kunststoff rPET transparent – 500g – gelochter Boden | verpacken24.com ) vom einkaufen + da den Boden raus geschnitten. Aber meine Sonnenblumen, Kürbisse, Zucchini, + so sind eben echt legga! Sogar die Bohnenblätter knabbern die an + vergiften sich nicht! ☹
2 Nachbarn haben je einen Hund der zwar angeleint ist, aber man weiß ja nie? Also nichts wo sie sterben könnten!
Es ist ein Genossenschaftshaus mit mehreren Mietern + habe nur eine winzige Ecke. Kann da auch nicht graben, (Alte Wurzeln von 3 + jetzt 1 uralten Fichte), so mache ich einen Bretterrahmen + fülle Erde ein! Darum habe ich das Kupfergitter gemacht, aber nööööö, sie sind trotzdem da!
Danke, ein schönes restl. Wochenende mit viel Sonne + Freizeit, ohne Arbeit! 🤧😵🥴🤒🐏
As an idea: I have beet in the garden (with snails) – all clear. There I started to sprinkle snails (because the things were eaten). There were more snails than before.
I noticed the following: in the snail grain there is a (!) cure (!) – so the ones have been more attracted to me. When it rains, the snail corn breaks down and the animals can recover – then it starts from the front.
The same should occur with the beer traps.
Therefore, after that, I did not scatter the grain on the plants, but at some distance.
Yeah, like a beer trap, I had dug in the other, old garden, and they were just running! Have also tried to sprinkle snail death a piece away from the sunflower bed, but it was nothing, they had eaten the plants again! Well, it’s all around the meadow + often quite high before it’s blown again!
Thanks, a nice rest. Weekend with lots of sun + leisure, without work! 🤧😵🥴🤒🐏
One more:
buy your snail grain not in the construction market, but in agricultural trade (agriculture-Baywa or so). The containers are possibly larger but also significantly cheaper.
Still an idea – but don’t know if it is: there are copper sheets as a role. Looks like corrugated sheet. Put a border around the beet in the ground. The snails are supposed to get an electric blow and leave it. (I heard!)
Hihi – Head Cinema. Imagine running a snail on the beet.
But seriously, stupid problem. One of my aunts was quite rabiat: either sprinkle salt on it or halve with scissors – snipp.
I couldn’t.
I don’t know that. We don’t know where there was anything like that in HOT. With the kicker! LOOL would only have train, bus or other public on offer!
Do not mourn the sheet because the copper adhesive tape + the net have brought nothing. And if I don’t take care, a grass neck hangs over + there they’re doing it. Was once when I came out of vacation + even after a rainy season!
Just read a sample + I’d like to watch it. Could it for 7,- € on my “Kindle Download Paperwhite! Have the feeling that I read after, the snails love + keep them! Auwei
Since there is no fence + only hedges at the house, buyers would flick on the road or throw into the sandbox of neighboring skiers!
So, is advertisement at Kittchen Impo., so quickly make a soup cup for the good hunger in between!
I didn’t mean that – try a farming trade (Agriculture-Baywa). You get the snail grain in buckets or so kg-wise – really much cheaper. I don’t mean the Baywa building markets, but where the farmers buy. You can also get everything in palettes (must stop coming with the trek).
I’d try that with the copper sheet if it’s so bad with you.
One more top: (not seriously, one can look at each other). There’s a book about “snail whispers” – you can look in. Didn’t work with me – but not seriously tried.
Well, with slippery/distorted slippery and rose scissors I had already! Because I had such great anger! My neighbour, always scatters before (temporary spring!) Snail death, there are many dead before we go! All right.
Neudorf snail grain: at Baywa = 500g – 12,- € / Amazon 1kg – 7,- € or 200g – 4,- €
I once had copper adhesive tape, which I glued around the wooden boards from the beet + also around the fruit bowls, at the pumpkin, around flower pots without soil, there were also in the beet + as already mentioned, such copper band, which looks like a self-knit broad scarf I also wrapped around the wooden boards + made with very short wooden sticks (That doesn’t make the big!
The nontoxic of Neudorff is rightly effective. Many people think it doesn’t work because you don’t see any traces of slime like that was the case with the old, toxic stuff.
Anyone who has pets should know that the old means are highly toxic and like to be used by dog and cat bunnies to spit poison baits.
Single beds best fit with a metal snail fence and sprinkle 1 or 2x snails from Neudorff to catch the Viechers that are within the border, from there on only 1x in spring and make sure that no leaves form a bridge over the fence
either you grow around a 20 centimeter deep digging, which you dress with plastic film and which is always filled with water or you grow plastic cup with beer. I wouldn’t do that with the beer, because the snails still eat and then die of liver failure because they can’t decompose any alcohol.
Grab, don’t go because there are many roots. There were 3 ancient spruces + now another one, but there are all the roots there! Nothing to dig. In my other garden (was taken over by my Elis + did not manage it healthily anymore), I had such a beer trap + that all attracted snails from all! LOOL
Have a nice evening! 🥱 🌜 🌜 ⭐ 🥱
Beer traps are the worst thing you can do. The smell attracts all the snails that ignored the garden so far!