What “staff” is there in the palace?
So, here's the situation: I'm currently writing/planning a book set in the time period from 1856 to 1880. The protagonist lives in a palace/castle; she's the princess. Now I just need to know the roles that exist in a palace, i.e., what the "staff" are called.
I already know the chauffeur, cook, and kitchen maid, but that's about it. Does anyone know all or many of the roles, or can anyone give me website links on the topic? I've searched for seemingly everything, but all I ever got was "Buckingham Palace," "The Queen's death, what happened to the staff," blah blah blah. I would be very grateful.
The crucial question is where it plays. In Berlin am Hof der Hohenzollern, at the Austrian court in Vienna …?
Generally: Since there were no cars, there was no chauffeur. There were coaches, etc., but with coaches, kitchen girls and chefs a princess had nothing to do.
Around a princess there were noble court ladies who were supposed to entertain the princess with whom she went for a walk, played social games, went on balls or feasts etc.
Then the service personnel, i.e. Zofen, chamber servants of all kinds, for clothes, for hairstyle, for food service, for the morning toilet, for the rooms of the princess etc., besides lecturers, attendees during excursions etc.
Then the tutors for the school subjects, the dance instructor, claver teacher, the riding instructor, etc.
One or more governors monitored everything that happened to the Princeession.
As you seem to know little more, you have to read in. Otherwise your book won’t be good. Good luck!
A princess doesn’t have much to do with them, I know, but I will mention them here and there. It does not play in Berlin at the court of the Hohenzollern or at the Austrian court in Vienna, I have devised something of my own or think of something. As I said, I am still in planning and inform myself about the whole subject, thank you! 🙂
Chamber servants
Stable master
Thank you!