Welches Öl und wieviel brauche ich?
Moin Leute,
habe einen Mercedes W177 A-Klasse (250)
224 Ps
Ich möchte gerne um etwas geld zu sparen das Öl selber kaufen zum Service.
meine Frage ist, welches Öl brauche ich, wie viel, und wo kaufe ich am besten Öl mit Mercedes Zulassung?
danke im Voraus und noch einen sonnigen Tag 🙂
Just type: Mercedes Benz W177 M260 engine oil. Had to be released several times. At least 229.51, 229.52 and 229.71. The original Mercedes oil packaged as 5w30 will certainly be the same that they also fill in.
But don’t save on the 100 € for the oil. They note that and in the end you definitely have more headaches than you were worth the €100. At least if something should be with the engine.
A look into the user manual continues. There are both filling and standard.
It doesn’t bring much. The workshops don’t like it when you bring your own oil. The disposal of the waste oil is additionally calculated.
I don’t care if they like it or not 😂 if I can pay a thousand euros for maintenance I can bring my own oil
If you want to save money, you have to go to a free workshop.
We’re coming to our money. Then other things get more expensive.
This is not an excuse for fraud
Very fair, because workshops do not deserve anything by service and you want to take the money for the oil. That doesn’t mean anything. So you can see it. You get what you pay for.
Have you ever had such a case?
indebted accident with me.
End of the story was 14 tsd € harm.
counterterical insurance has ordered audit firms, 4tsd€ fraud because too much work steps etc.
Dude had to pay almost 400€ at Mercedes too much because they screwed him.
well that my uncle is part of such a company in Berlin.
I’d like to tell you, do it with the wrong ones, and you’re off your job.
On the one hand, you should explain beforehand whether the workshop itself uses oil. Not everyone!
Oil specification and required quantity are available in the operating manual, usually under technical data, maintenance or the like.
All in the manual.
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