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On hot days I prefer cooled watermelon 🍉 something else I don’t need to eat at all ðŸTM‚
I also like to eat the slightly acidic apple varieties Granny smith 🍏 Ananas🍍 and strawberries 🍓
I like all the fruits that have been listed.
Love greetings, etincelles
Greetings back:)
Most likely raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. 🍓🫐💗
LG Maike
Boah, it’s impossible to me between berries (earth! Him!), nectarines and ner properly mature mango to decide… And how horny are Mirabellen?! 😁
I have enjoyed a lot of melon in the summer but I also like fruits in general, especially mango, kernelless grapes, mandarins and oranges.
Sweetheart, I forgot them, too.
I love berries, blackberries, currants, raspberries…
Strawberries prefer, however.
+ 🍌, Kaki etc
I prefer berries.
I like all of them the same… none of this is being humiliated..
Bananas, strawberry, watermelon
Who buys apples now buys the last year….because apple harvest is only at the end of September.
I eat berries,
Strawberries and raspberries:)
Strawberry is a pod fruit and no berries
Well, that’s not relevant to my question.
Guilty must correct me it is a common nut fruit
I knew it, but I don’t care, and it’s a berry for me.
No, it’s not.
Sad that most people don’t know very well in fruit & vegetables anymore.
Doesn’t matter what it’s ending… But it counts for most people among the berries and everyone knows what is meant
Why the strawberry is a nut – My beautiful garden (
Bananas and pumpkins are my favorite berries.
But I love pussy too.
Apples and berries
I must disappoint you that the strawberry is not a berries, but is a pod.
Maybe, but still has berry in the name, so it’s all right.
Strawberries are common nuts and no berries.
after that
Of the mentioned fruit varieties: mango, pineapple and berries.
Hello, Gast1234841.
I choose the forest berries that taste delicious.
But then all of you named obses come after.
Greetings, Renate.
Nice to meet you. Greetings back
I prefer strawberries.
Apple and apple again.