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So my favorite music genre is currently hip hop. But no current German-Rap, because I find that you can’t listen. But with me, it’s also that I’m on my way to the hip-hop area rather in the old school area. I generally prefer to hear US-Rap as a German-Rap, simply because in the US area many cool old hip-hop classics are included.
Jazz Rock/Fusion.
Most preferably PIERRE MOERLEN’S GONG.
everything that goes in the direction of Rock. But I like to hear songs from other genres
So actually everything, except Deutschrap, Schlager, K-Pop etc.
Electronic music like Dance, Trance, Techno and Handsup
Depending on the mood, medieval skirt, powermetal and classic.
At the moment I’m running:
And I don’t even know what genre this is.
Gothic, EBM, Metal, Darkwave, Industrial
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Rock, Metal and Punk
Stroke, folk music and Austro Pop are my favorites.
Pop and Rock and Rap
And rock
I never tried K-Pop, but with rock I grew up 😊
close followed by Rap