Welches Mofa ist das beste mit Schaltung?
Ich werde bald 15 und möchte mir ein Mofa kaufen. Da ich nicht mit genau 25 rumtuckern möchte wollte ich erst einmal fragen welches das beste insgesamt ist und ob die Hercules prima 5 die vor 1990 gebaut wurde schneller ist. Oder sind andere Mofas besser? Oder ob ihr mir Auto oder Schaltung emphielt. Lebe im flachland. MfG Nick
whether circuit or automatic – ne Mofa has 25km/h in the IMMER operating permit. Ne certain tolerance of about 3 Km/h are always in.
Okay, thanks. but not just helpful
comes to your place of residence – some federal states already allow AM, as it runs up to 45km/h
not just helpful – what wanted to read xD
of colored mofas leave the fingers, we would already be in the area of a crime, driving without valid driving licence
Every Mofa drives from home a bit faster than 25 kmh and I wanted to ask which is better in suit, for example, circuit or automatic whereby I think it will be circuit and I wanted to know which switch Mofa is the best or love car
As the best mode I feel the ZD 20 from Zündapp with 3-speed circuit.
Actually, a Mofa can only drive exactly this 25Km/h fast, the only Mofa that I have observed was in the driving school.
The hercules of my brothers (both newly bought, nothing made) ran about 45Km/h, just like my identical KTM (also bought nothing done) back then.
The Zündapp I had at that time and had already changed the Krafti head and translation until it was finished but I had a real Krafti and never drove with it.
In today’s time it would be too hot to drive a Mofa with 15 if it runs faster than 30Km/h.
Okay, thanks only if my friend has a 2 gear Hercules and I tend. We could both do the same. Who would be faster pure from interest
Apart from the flammapp. Which Mofa would you like
They hardly give themselves what and are still strongly dependent on entering. I wouldn’t want to be a modern bucksaw (roller).
Okay, thanks. No wowback saw