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There is no certain age limit, but:
Children under 7 need a special seat, children under 7 must be able to reach the footrests safely.
Addendum: In short, the search engine serves, here there is further information:
Motorcycle or moped: Children permitted as a passenger – German Bar Conference
There is no minimum age, but certain conditions must be fulfilled:
Yes the neighbor of us is 14 and asked if he can ride on my scooter(34 hp)
Keeping on the subject (I was already 11, today I am 35) earlier gave a kind of belt where the driver could hold on the holding handles with the driver. My real uncle had always had a certain passion and love of such machines from BMW. The footrest in itself was not a problem. You could adjust it at different heights.
I’ve never been able to find anything in a legal or other way. But I had already been driving with 11 on a BMW motorcycle as passenger. So my Taufonkel, my real uncle who still lives, had always had a certain passion with such machines. Of course, important protective equipment and clothing also belong to the equipment. My uncle wore a special belt (I believe socius or how to call it) where you have very good handles. A way to hold was still missing in my time. And if so, then the very low lay in the vehicle apart from my short arms that I could reach net
There is no minimum age. This is at the discretion of parents. You should only take someone if you’re sure he understands everything. (risk, rules of conduct, etc.)
Everyone should go along, but please remember that helmet is required by law, but not enough. If what happens, you’ll blame yourself, so see that he’s fully equipped!
There is no minimum age. It is at the discretion of parents when their children are fit enough to ride.