Welches metrum?
Welches Metrum hat dieses Strophe also, das gedicht, weil ich werde jetzt nur eine Strophe von dieses gedicht schreiben. Am grauen Strand, am grauen Meer und seitab liegt dis stadt ; der nebel drückt die Dächer schwer und durch die stille braust das meer
That’s a pretty classic jambus, I’d say:-)
If you need a reason, just write again!
Yes, please
I am an adult 😂 Good luck tomorrow at your work!
thank you beautiful I write morge a work and it was very helpful thanks beautiful panika. Best life. Top 1 . You’re a student or adult. If you don’t want to say then you don’t have to say
thanks beautiful I write morge a work and it was very helpful thanks beautiful Pawika. Best life. Top 1 . You are a student or adult
The jambus is the measure in which a stressed syllable follows (xX xX xX).
This pattern of emphasis (feet) is drawn through the whole verse or the whole poem. Only in the word “side” there is a small break, as it is usually stressed on the second syllable…