Welches Messer ist das Beste?

Hallo, bin relativ neu im Thema Kochen, was mir allerdings aufgefallen ist, da ich nur ,,billige” Messer besitze – mich stört extrem, wenn diese stumpf sind und nicht richtig schneiden.

Könnt ihr mir ein gutes Messer empfehlen, was sehr scharf ist und das am besten auch lange bleibt? Sollte ein Allrounder sein, Fleisch und Gemüse sollte also kein Problem sein. Gerne zwischen 30-80€.

Und wenn wir schon dabei sind, was wäre die beste Pflege für ein solches Messer? Wie schleif ich es am besten, falls es mal etwas stumpfen werden sollte?

Danke euch jetzt schonmal für die Hilfe:)

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1 year ago

Best price/performance ratio: Victorinox

You have to sharpen them occasionally.

1 year ago


Can’t really help you, I’ve been using my little cooker for 10 years.

But a comment: You can get every knife ultra sharp. So I would suggest: first of all, buy a solid, sturdy cooker that suits your hand shape well and worry less about the fineness of the quality of the knife, but much more about how to sharpen the knife.

Basically, it is definitely a cooking knife you need. It makes sense to make sure that the knife has no gaps in the transition between blade and handle, which are hygienic bad.

1 year ago

Buy a weft steel and a simple knife sharpener. You can use the Wetzstahl for months, and if you don’t get the knife sharpener.
For example at amazon:

GRÄWE® Profi Wetzstahl 10 ‘ (25 cm), hardness 60 HRC

Lantana Smart Sharp – Knife sharpener

This is enough for normal cooking and that can also be any non-professional. There aren’t always sharp knives.

1 year ago

Cheap or expensive is not the subject. Rather you have to say goodbye to hope that a knife stays sharp for a long time.

Depending on the use, you need to sharpen it once a month. Maybe even more often when using it.

Important is the steel used and forging technology.

You get very good and sharp Japanese knives from carbon steel for under 100€.

They have a reasonably long service life, can be blurred and can be easily sharpened or kept sharp.

Needs to deal with grinding techniques a little.

1 year ago

Knife with ceramic blade (Kyocera GEN series, small ceramic cooking knife)

But I don’t know if I really should recommend it.

Pro: ultra-sharp, you don’t have to grind, cut everything like butter.

Contra: sensitive, dangerous. Things also cut through the chain glove. I tested.

1 year ago

A knife always stays sharp as long as it is not used. An always sharp knife in the kitchen you only get through regular correct grinding. Ask a meatman who knows about it. A knife can still be so expensive, without care it will soon no longer appear.