Welches Liquid?
Guten Tag welches Nikotinfreies Liquid könnt ihr empfehlen bisher hab ich nur Nikotinfreie Elfbars gedampft jedoch möchte ich nun eine Mehrweg E-Zigarette und frage mich welches fertig Liquid Nikotinfrei ist und ähnlich wie Elfbar schmeckt?
If it should be as intense as elevenbar, you should mix liquid yourself.
What I did to test: On amazon there are 16€ 12 ready liquid bottles.
Isn’t the best but to try out and get good
Do you know if the Elfbar Liquid tastes good?
Every one of the Vaped just because of the smoke is a clown so let it be
What you think of Vapes I didn’t ask the question is only about the Vaper if you don’t find it well is okay but please accept the people who like Vapen!
I have no problem with which I myself a but people who are just to make cool smoking are just stupid
It is true, however, that I feel comfortable when steaming