Welches Lied von/mit Britney Spears ist euer Favorit?


Welches Lied von/mit Britney Spears ist euer Favorit? Gerne mit Begründung!

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Die unten aufgezählten Lieder hab ich immer am meisten gefeiert, aber noch mehr. Es gab andererseits auch Lieder von ihr, die ich nicht so mochte.


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1 year ago

Of course, “Baby one more time” is the song that everyone immediately connects to Britney Spears and who also laid the foundation for their career. But I personally found it impressive that, besides the commercially oriented dance tracks, Britney Spears also understood how to interpret ballads emotionally. I think it was best for her to do this with “Everytime” – a timelessly beautiful song.

P.S.: Musically remarkable is their collaboration with will.i.am. at “Scream & shout”.

1 year ago
Reply to  anesneir

I’m glad I could help you. Thank you for the star!

1 year ago

I’ve never been so busy with Britney Spears. Why? Did her early days come with “Baby One More Time”, and I actually felt this song as an average pop song, with the hiphop rhythm that was usual at the time. In that time I had just discovered Shania Twain and Pink had her first album, so “Get The Party Started” was also just top. I listened to the album by Pink at the time and set it up as I found it varied and good. She compares herself with Britney (Don ́t let me get me) in one song.

Here is an interesting text line by Pink then:

“You’ll be a pop star

All you have to change is everything you are

Tired of being compared to damn Britney Spears

She’s so pretty

That just ain’t me

For me, Pink has been kind of the opposite of Britney Spears, so one that doesn’t make any happy music or mainstream. Of course this has changed with the years. Pink has gone into the mainstream with time, but not only and also became one of the most famous singers, and Britney has also done other things.

Now Pink with Britney might even have made a real friendship:


When I heard what ch wanted to tell me before, the first album from Britney was disappointed, because on this album all the songs were stubborn, so I felt it in the same rhythm. It’s quite inconvenient. So for a long time, I thought that Britney was quite anxious with her beauty and dance. That’s why I’ve been neglecting them for a long time and rather than being cheap.

But I didn’t want to be interested in her music anymore, and there were songs I knew from the radio, but I didn’t like Britney songs.

Baby, one more time” for me is undoubtedly a good song, one of the biggest hits in the 00s.

Toxic” I like good and attractive. Marqueous intro melody. He’s one of those I wouldn’t have signed to Britney later. I’ve known him since then, and from the ’00s I still don’t know some interpreters, because I had a lot of interest in music off the mainstream.

I really like it “criminal” . I knew the song, but I only know it’s from Britney. In moll held and very good melody and mood!

Here only the audio:


Yes, and then there’s one more thing: I knew something, a slow song, something with “Girl”: and I found it: “I ́m not a girl, not yet a woman“. That also addresses me:


I also find this very well what I just found:


This is also very interesting: from the first album I didn’t find so good. But I remember there was a cover from an old song. Not bad: “The Beat Goes On” Perhaps the original is not unbeatable, but I find this version very good:


Britney is also a versatile singer, if you look more closely at her.

1 year ago

Personally, I’m not a big fan of Britney Spears, but since she was totally fashioned during my youth, I also know many songs from her.

My favorite song from Britney Spears is clearly “Toxic”. I like the music video very much and the song somehow reminds me of the first songs of Lady Gaga.

Otherwise I like “Oops…I Did It Again” because the song is a real earworm.

“Circus” is also really good, especially the music video I like very much.

1 year ago

Heyyho Mermaid 👋

My absolute favorite song from Britney is clearly Me Against the Music! 😍
I just love the song and also the music video I find so great 😍


Also that Britney and Madonna have made a featuring here is so nice, and especially OMG, especially LIEEEBE I have the dance choreographies from the video! 😍

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/file details/?id=902333885

The dance parts are just so good! 😍
And I also find outfits so nice and iconic in the video Britneys and Madonnas pantssuits
Haha and I think the video to the song is the reason why I find blazers and pants suits so mega great and chic and I like to wear the parts mega 😍😅

My second favorite song is Everytime, the song is in your list.
And I finally managed to read the book The Woman in Me during the Christmas holidays. Now, with knowledge, with abortion and so, Everytime has much more depth and so. And the melody is so beautiful.
But Me Against the Music, I just love more because the song is just more to dance and I like such songs usually a bit.

I think Britneys In the Zone album is just such a good pop album, there are so many good songs.
Me Against the Music, Everytime, Toxic or Outrageous etc

Find In the Zone is very often quite underrated when it comes to her albums.
What I find a little pity because it’s just so nice 😍

But I might also like to love this album and these songs so much that the songs of In the Zone were the first pop songs I celebrated and loved ^^

At the time when I was 4, 5 or 6 years old, I don’t know that anymore, I came to the In the Zone album by my cousin.
And I was instantly so flashed by the songs and so Britney became the first pop star I became fan 🙃
I have celebrated and loved their songs mega, and I still love their songs very much today!

And so I came to pop music and learned to love pop music. Which music I liked from it I can’t remember today ^^^
Britney’s In the Zone album then probably washed everything else from my brain lol 😂

Today, as you know, Ariana Grande is of course my absolute favorite singer ever!
But Britney’s songs were the first songs I really celebrated and through them I am, I think, also became so great fan of pop music.

In addition, Britney’s krasser fame mega fame fascinated me at the time, and since then it’s also my great dream to be a mega successful singer and a huge, world famous pop star! ⭐

Through Britney I have met pop music, singing and dancing and I have also learned to love the popstarlife through them!
At that time, I found her cocky fame and her popstarlife so exciting and super fascinating.

So I mean singing and dancing, but also writing songs, recording albums in the studio, filming music videos to tour the world, but also that as world-famous pop star you can only walk around bodyguards to the public because you are chased by aggressive paparazzis and hysterical fans all over every step and step and crowded everywhere.

Lightning storms of aggressive paparazzis, hysterically screaming crazy fans and nowhere on Earth you are safe from them, which is why you need to constantly have bodyguards around yourself, that you are not unintentionally pressed by the crazy paparazzis and fans in mega crowds and slids because you are so stormy pressed by them, simply mega nice! ️🤩😍⭐

It’s easy to be such a nicest feeling when you’re pushed as a pop star by hysterically screaming fans and crazy paparazzis stormy 🤩
When you’re surrounded by bodyguards that are mega stressed because they desperately try to hold back the great hysterical fans and aggressive paparazzis, but it’s actually impossible because the crowd so crazy pushes, pushes and pushes against enormous love.
And from all sides, one circles the great fans, who stretch their hands against you through the bodyguards, because they want to touch one, or take photos or film with their smartphones, and press a paper and pens, because they want autographs 🤩
And then still the great wild flash lights of the paparazzis, who want to get the best photo of one at any price and give it everything and therefore super crazy and aggressive proceed to get the best photos 🤩

The MUST just feel so big as a pop star when you’re so cocky 🤩

Yeah, I think that’s all so great, exciting and fascinating at Popstarlife and by Britney I met and loved it all that way.
Even though Britney the fame and especially the paparazzi have unfortunately not done well… 😔

Upsi, sorry, now I’m a little distracted 😅
But jap, Britney is a very important singer for me as to my development in pop music ^^

Otherwise, I like all their songs, so all you have linked.
I’d rather like her later songs.
But most people are celebrating their songs from the beginning, so Baby One More Time and so. I also like the songs, but find their later better ^^^

What songs do you like from her?

Greetings Arina 😊

1 year ago
Reply to  StrongHeart

Yes, I understand. I’m not that fan of the songs either. Especially Womanizer. I have the feeling that the song is so buoyed by many, but actually this is not soooo good now ^^^

1 year ago

Clearly “Circus”, I love the circus vibes and the music video!

1 year ago

It is sad and with the knowledge of today that she was pregnant and driven at the time, it is even more sad.

“Born to make you happy” I also like very well.

“Toxic” anyway.

1 year ago

Toxic is one of the best pop songs at all (usually flavoring)but it has you could listen to the acapella version as well as the instrumental and yet they would be good .I find that makes a good song when vocal and instruments harmonize in harmony ✨Web️

1 year ago
Reply to  Liloli85

agree, one of the best pope of all time!

1 year ago

“Toxic”, “Circus”, “Scream and shout” and of course the classic: “Baby on more Time”, I like very well.

All other listed songs are not my taste and especially “Born to make me happy”, I don’t like at all.

2 months ago


A really strong song

Find the mega

rubber ball

1 year ago

Toxic is also good :

Their songs are not the best, but also not bad, but do not correspond to the musical direction I prefer. But everyone should know such songs, I think.

1 year ago

VERY good songs

hold it against me missing

but toxic is simply so hot

and the video

1 year ago

I used to be at a concert from her. The worst concert I’ve ever visited. Since then, she’s not really interested me anymore.

2 months ago

1 Boys

2 toxic

3 Lucky

4 Oops!…I Did It Again

5 Everytime

1 year ago

I think Baby One More Time

1 year ago

“Oops!…I Did It Again.” From the song and because she looked the horniest in the video!

1 year ago

Clear Everytime

1 year ago

Circus is my personal favorite.

2 months ago

I think “Baby one more time” is the most famous song of her

1 year ago

And I’m A Slave 4 You.

1 year ago


This was very interesting to look at and listen to, but I still have one question:

Have you already rated Hobbylos with 5 stars?

1 year ago

Toxic, Gimme More and Baby on More Time

1 year ago

Me against the music, anyone? No? ;( WTF, simply best song and video of her! Your dance skills are high lvl and Britney looks so hot in the video :3


Toxic is also horny!

1 year ago
Reply to  surranubis


Me Against the Music is also my favorite song from her ^^^

Greetings ArinaArande 😊

1 year ago
Reply to  ArinaArande


1 year ago

I don’t know the others.

1 year ago

For me a classic I like to remember.

1 year ago

But only because of this video to the movie:


1 year ago


1 year ago

Ops, I did it again.

1 year ago

Autumn Goodbye

2 months ago

My loneliness is killing me! 💃

1 year ago

Born to make u happy

1 year ago

Baby one more time is of course also a classic I think. 🙂

2 months ago

If u Seek Amy, Crazy

1 year ago


1 year ago

And Gimme more.

1 year ago

Actually I got that Boom Boom 🙂