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Japan and Korea are very similar though they are 2 nations but like siblings and from 1910 to 1945 Korea was also part of Japan
of course, South Korea is much more beautiful than North Korea
and the South of Japan and South Korea are really equal
so the landscape the mountains, rice fields, houses
Japan and South Korea are as similar as two countries can only be
it separates it just a few kilometers of sea
I like both countries very much 🙂
but I think I prefer Japan <333
are very similar, but likes South Korea more. seoul I am coming soon
Japan <3 is only personal feeling
It is inconspicuous to compare two countries according to a general “beautiful”. If that’s what you’d have to do. And always note that beauty is a very subjective story.
60% of Japan
40% South Korea
Japan, although I am Korean myself.🥰🇯🇵
Japan not only from appearance but also from politics
It is
South Korea