Welches Land in Europa liefert die beste Musik?
Meiner Meinung nach hat Schweden mit Abstand die besten Musiker hier in Europa.
Meiner Meinung nach hat Schweden mit Abstand die besten Musiker hier in Europa.
Hey, I really wanted to go to the Gracie Abrams concert in Düsseldorf this year, but I don't have a ticket yet. I was wondering if anyone knows if there will be a box office sale on the day, or if I can trust the offers on websites like Viagogo. Maybe someone has a couple…
Mit nur 67 🙁 Ich höre mir seine Gesänge an, auf einmal lese ich dass er 2017 verstorben ist…😞
Hi, ich sehe oft wenn ich auf Playlists klicke unter dem Playlistnamen so einen extra Text. Wisst ihr wie man den erstellt. Hab mich das mal gefragt.
was haltet ihr von dem auftritt da viele leute meinen er “verspottet” jesus wegen der dornenkrone
Moin, Was denkt ihr, welche Musikkategorie machen so Artists wie Bruna Boy, Skeete, Kwambo, Rey Denz usw. Es sind zwar denke ich mehrere ähnliche Kategorien aber ihr könnt gerne einpaar reinschreiben, ich suche solche entspannte Musik fürs Auto Hier einpaar Beispiele: https://youtu.be/DVtyusX2F-w?si=3d88QeXLlI_lc-1t https://youtu.be/6E2RGifjz4I?si=iZOKjqI8KrwS7wnS https://youtu.be/FAHQ5gtT3XQ?si=jGGL6G7Orht93CnQ danke im voraus
Mich würde mal interessieren, wie lange ihr geübt habt, als ihr neu mit einem Instrument angefangen habt und wie lange und oft ihr geübt habt, als ihr das Instrument schon beherrscht habt.
Everyone likes something else. I like music from the Balkans, most I hear music from Serbia.
oßbrittanien has quite a lot of great music. (and so I mean not only the popular like Ed sheeran, but also Ren, The Big Push and Little Simz)
Germany: Schütz, Bach, Händel, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Brahms, Wagner, Strauss
Austria: Haydn, Schubert, Strauß, Bruckner, Mahler
Italy: Palestrina, Monteverdi, Vivaldi, Rossini, Verdi, Puccini
France, Czech Republic, Russia, England
Mozart came from Austria
This depends on how to define Austria, whether one looks at current state boundaries or the historical boundaries at the composer’s lifetime. Salzburg was not part of the Habsburg Empire at Mozart’s time. Only today is it part of the Republic of Austria.
Overall, the UK is always important.
Classical music, for example, is also the same as Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Russia.
But in terms of rock, for me GB or at least most successful, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Queen etc.
Pop, e.g. David Bowie, Elton John, Dua Lipa, Adele & also groups like Oasis, Wham! – Spice Girls & many more.
In Metal, Finland is admittedly strong.
And also Sweden has a lot to offer, see Songwriting & Pop + I personally also like other music, such as Spain, Italy, etc.
Good music is not delivered, good music is created. And these countries do not take anything, I have heard good music from almost every one of these countries.
Only if you stay in a musical style, for example rock music, you might be able to differentiate there.
The United Kingdom.
I’m just thinking about Queen, The Beatles – and I’m not a fan of this music group at all – Elton John or Ed Sheeran.
I find Spain, but admittedly I am not completely neutral.
United Kingdom with the Beatles, Dua Lipa, One Direction; Harry Styles, Elton John, Ed Sheeran of course.
Turkey (no other teachings please, I count Turkey on Europe)
For me the best music comes from Czech Republic.
For anyone else, possibly from Germany.
There is therefore no objectively best music from any country.
Ultimately, the best musicians deliver the best music.
No matter what nationality, hair color, skin color or gender identity they have. And no matter what age class they belong to and what Genre they serve.
warehouse 14
France, England, Spain, Germany etc
Music can be so different and unique, regardless of which country it comes from.
I’d think England is what I like.
The nice men from england 😀