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It’s probably the USA.
Australia is the only country apart from Germany where I have lived so far. It’s all right.
What do you mean?
I wouldn’t recommend living there for everyone, but for some it’s something.
That’s something I can’t tell you, even if I’ve lived there. It’s just different and the people are also something more open. A lot of what one would not do in Germany is done in Australia.
You just have to try it out if it’s something for one or not.
I’d like to answer any questions.
For whom is life in Australia something? What should people want to live in Australia?
According to my Moroccan colleague (38), it would be Marroko.
1. Could I live excellently from my narrow pension there.
… I still work 50 % despite pension
2.) Could I marry up to 4 young women who would do ALL to keep me healthy and alive as long as possible, or to cultivate such that I do not abstract .
(Not because they love me very much, but money for …)
Okay, conversion to Islam should be done.
M, 67
I’ve lived in Japan.
How do you find life in Germany/Western Europe and Japan compared? What are the advantages of Japan and what the advantages of Germany?
Because of freedom!
But North Island, please.
energy, landscape, culture