Welches ist Eurer Meinung nach der schönste Strand der Welt?

Kristallklares, warmes Wasser – oder türkisfarbene, unergründliche Tiefe… weißer Sand und Palmen, bunte Korallen oder Schwärme von Delfinen … schaumgekrönte Wellen oder eine spiegelglatte Wasseroberfläche mit einem romantischen Sonnenuntergang … vielleicht auch die Erinnerung an einen Urlaubsflirt oder die erste Nacht im Freien?

Wo ist Euer Lieblingsstrand? … und welches ist Eurer Meinung nach der schönste Strand der Welt?

Lasst uns in Erinnerungen schwelgen und den Sommer feiern – gerne mit Bildern!


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7 months ago

It is difficult to refer to a beach alone. What makes the “most beautiful beach in the world”? That this white like powdered sugar and the water is turquoise and clear, but possibly without any possibility of tourist amenities, or should the offer of hotels, gastronomy, so why party also vote?
If I see such a small, round Maldives Island, it looks beautiful, but after two days at the latest, I would have a crisis there for submissive.
Therefore, a summary of my experiences with a few beaches that everyone would have earned for themselves this title “most beautiful beach in the world”:

1. Tachai Island, Thailand: snow-white sandy beach, azure blue, crystal clear water. No gastronomy & hotel. Therefore for a day trip my personal dream beach number one. It is temporarily locked for tourists, which is also good. Generally not as crowded as other tourist hotspots in Thailand.

Two. Boracay, Philippines: Also beautiful white powdered sugar beach, you can run a few hundred meters into the sea and the water still only reaches the belly nabel, so wonderfully suitable for swimming. Balanced mix of overnight and dining options, night parties with live music on the beach. So if you like a white beach and some life on it, you should definitely look at Boracay.

3. Freedom Beach, Phuket, Thailand: just 2 km from the lively and quite unspectacular Patong Beach, this beautiful little beach is located in a bay, which you can reach through the forest a bit of a bit of a walk. Clear water, very light brown sandy beach under palm trees, rocky frame. No hotels, but on the beach snacks and drinks are sold. So something in the middle, between Tachai and Boracay.

That would be from my side three such beaches, which, from my point of view, deserved the title “most beautiful beach in the world” for various reasons. I don’t need any buzzing parties, so Koh Phangan divorces as a Thai counterpart to the ballerman on malls…

7 months ago

On the island Ile aux Cerfs the east of Mauritius is 1.2 km away, there are fantastic beaches

I also found the coast Pereybere in the north very romantic

7 months ago
Reply to  Raumtourist

I was simply overwhelmed by the dream stand on the Ile aux Cerfs and connected with a trip to the National Park. I am up there on the mountain (tolle view of the endless sea) and after the descent in an airy height still excellent deer ragout ate

7 months ago

So it should look like Avatar 2 for me, so I can say this is the most beautiful beach in the world.

and in real the Fiji Islands get quite well:

But I also think the Maldives:

I was nowhere else, but would also be a destination for me and at least according to the pictures, one of the most beautiful places on this planet.

7 months ago

The Baltic Sea is very beautiful

7 months ago
Reply to  Raumtourist

I’ve only been there in Eckernförde

4 months ago

For me the Costa Rei in Sardinia and there in particular the Fkkstrand of Fereuxe.

4 months ago

The Blue Lagoon in Ölüdeniz (Turkey).

7 months ago

Whether Mediterranean, Atlantic, Indian Ocean or Gulf of Thailand, there are beautiful beaches everywhere, the most beautiful for me was the golden beach of the island of Koh Samet in the Gulf of Thailand. White sand that creeps under your feet as if you walk in the snow, crystal clear water and a great underwater world

7 months ago
Reply to  Raumtourist

The Full Moon Party takes place on Koh Phangan. Otherwise, I can only agree with LottI07: Koh Samet has beautiful and not so crowded beaches.

7 months ago

Thank you.

7 months ago

I just posted in a separate answer 😉

7 months ago

There are certainly similar parties, but the “original” Full Moon Party is only available on Koh Phangan 😉

7 months ago

I’ve been on many stands and I could never decide which one is the most beautiful.

7 months ago
Reply to  Raumtourist

I found the endless, wide sandy beaches in Scheveningen (Netherlands). Or the palate-lined beaches on the Bahamas.

4 months ago

Baltic Sea…natural 🫠

In the south of Hiddensee, on the Gellen.(Small Lighthouse)

This is a dream place for me….

In the summer, in the evening, barely people… only so few people with their encoder boats.

Bathing there and enjoying the sunset….a dream for me🥰

4 months ago
Reply to  Raumtourist

Yes, only the island bus and bicycles.