Welches ist das beste Magnesium Pulver/Schwefel Pulver für BKS?
Das beste und günstigste auf Amazon
Das beste und günstigste auf Amazon
Hey, ist es auch möglich die LED Strips vor bzw. nach der markierten Stelle zu zerschneiden, also nicht da wo eine Schere abgebildet ist? Über eine Erklärung weshalb dies geht bzw. weshalb nicht würde ich mich desweiteren auch sehr freuen. Schonmal vielen Dank!
Ich verstehe nicht ganz wie man auf die Brüche bei den Lösungen kommt. Die ganzen Zahlen mit denen multipliziert wird, kann ich nachvollziehen, da dies ja einfach die Anzahl der Kugeln im Würfel sind.
Welche Stoffmengenkonzentration c[OH-] in mol/L hat eine Lauge, deren pH-Wert mit 10,35 gemessen wird? Den Rechenweg in die andere Richtung kenne ich -log(…..) nur so wie ich es mir vorstelle Klappt es nicht
Kann mir jemand bitte helfen ?
The sulfur/magnesium mixture is extremely weak, but if properly prepared, it should be stronger than black powder.
The mixture of potassium nitrate/magnesium is considerably stronger. With proper preparation, 50g is enough to create a bang that you can still perceive in the 2km away village
But is dangerous and forbidden, so watch out
Thanks, you know where to get cheap ignition cord because at Amazon is the very expensive except the one cut to 50x 6cm but I think that’s too short or not?
If you’ve done something like this, please do a long Visco light cord from which is not cut.
And there I would also take some money into my hand as this fire cord your insurance is nich to be blown into the air
6cm I would not take, is far too short in my view. At the time, I ordered an ignition cord also at Amazon, it is generally recommended to take those from Kat P1 as they are sold all year round, unlike F2
Such e.g.
Vama 5m Lighting Cord Roll 90 sec./Meter Green Visco 2.5mm Lighting Cord Slow: Amazon.de: Other
if you want something more loud you take Kclo4 and Alluminium
You are not the first to come up with the idea of building BKS-Böller and buying the stuff on Amazon. This is extremely noticeable and the police are on the doorstep, not too wrong as I find. This is extremely dangerous and by such actions, people are breaking their hands annually.
What I have tried is sulfur and magnesium with another 2 other substances I had ordered on Amazon (which I will not mention because it is very dangerous), it was actually a bit stronger than black powder, and also it is necessary to have the correct mixing ratio of the powder.
(Small tip don’t do this at all and watch videos if at least turn to a specialist or buy Böller)
Is that true that the police are coming or is that simply so
There was time and again in the past.
Amazon and Cheap close to my experience mostly from ;o)
In addition, pyrotechnic powders belong only in correspondingly broth-favoured hands…
Jaja di brotfresssional hands
“brotfressionelle” is good… 😉