Welches iPad Air mit wie viel GB?

Ich fange demnächst ein Grundschullehramt Studium an und überlege mir ein Apple IPad Air zu holen.

ich schwanke zwischen dem IPad Air der 5. Generation und dem IPad Air aus 2024. könnt ihr mir eins empfehlen? Außerdem besitze ich bereits ein MacBook Air mit 256 GB und bin mir unschlüssig wie viel Speicherplatz ich nehmen soll….reichen 64 GB aus oder lieber das IPad Air 2024 mit 128 GB?

vielen Dank im Voraus.

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8 months ago

As a student, I can say that the large display is in love with the new air 13 inches. Weis also that money does not fall from heaven.

about memory I would take 256 ideally, especially if there are still ebooks, documents apps music etc, but 128 is not bad.

what I would advise you would be that you would go to an Apple Store and look at the little one and that big air. If you like the big better then get yourself with a training discount and get free nen Pencil.

If you like the little one better then get the older model.

8 months ago
Reply to  rieke653

Yes, then I would take the new one. Do you want the 11” or the 13” model?

8 months ago
Reply to  rieke653

At air, the Apple Pencil pro my knowledge. But the price will only be deducted in the basket. So don’t be surprised to show you 100€ in the configuration. But only with training discount

8 months ago

It must fit for you. I’d take 128 gb. With unidays you get the Pencil per free.
next question, are you a lot on the train so without wifi? If so, it would be worth considering whether you want mobile data. 170€ Difference, but in some cases also higher productivity. Just wanted to draw attention to it.

8 months ago

128GB (or more) should be already today.