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3 years ago

In principle, females are more active and demand more space, employment and attention, but you can’t roll that flat on all females, there are also totally chilled, quiet girls.

In my personal comparison, I had 2 marginal females with much too much energy, despite several square meters walk and runoff, 2 relatively relaxed hamster ladies, who were active, but not so “randalig” and a hamster lady you hardly noticed, calm, satisfied, chilled.

My males are or were actually all relatively quiet, in themselves resting, peaceful. One was a little cheeky and awake, the rest was not.

3 years ago

Hallöchen :

So I can only answer with regard to art pure Dsungars, but I think that applies to all kinds: it always comes to the animal. You can’t flatter. Each animal is different and no gedhclecht generally occurs with any advantages.

I don’t know what you’re talking about 🙈😂. But every hamster, regardless of gender, needs enough space, suitable food and appropriate equipment.

3 years ago
Reply to  Asyra13

I fully agree with the last part.

Feminine Goldhamsters, but probably more than other Hamster😅

3 years ago

I already wrote you an answer:

They generally say that females want more rallies and more space. And above all, Goldhamster females really need a lot of space.

I only had hybrids (Zwerghamster), females and males. The male was the most active with me.

If a hamster wants to get rid of it, he’ll have too little space. Hamsters need to lead a beautiful life, at least one square meter floor area (200x50cm zB). Then Hamster barely pick up, especially very active animals.

The way doesn’t matter much. The character, on the other hand, can be very different.

“Satisfied places” with a large enclosure and just furnishings you have to make every hamster.

3 years ago

Both have advantages and disadvantages.

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