Welches Getränk findet ihr am besten?
Wir haben ein Projekt im fach Wirtschaft und müssen eine marketingumfrage erstellen und herausnehmen, welches Getränk euch am besten gefällt. Bitte gibt eure ehrliche Meinung ab. Wir haben die Zutaten im Getränk angegeben und die Namen dazu erfunden. Bitte schreibt euer alter dazu. Viel Spaß!
I’ve never tried such a thing, but because of the ingredients, I assume this would taste best.
Sweet acid is best balanced and splashy. Everyone knows one of them. Lime plus a couple of % cool. Classic always goes
I’m not a friend of Tropical but the combination would be no. 2. Also sweet-fruity-sprayy
Blueberry No 3. Do not like grapes allg. Holundersirup we do ourselves. Also stable combination. Berrymix btw overhyped marketing word. The whole is a berry (=berries) mix
Hemp a new overrated hype (the cookies are delicious). Don’t mate mine. I need coffee really sensible strong. Junkie. The best name
I love carrots but chew. The drinks are usually too artificial. Kiddies also like carrots, but the consistency of the Brei apäter does not. And uncool *g* campaign would be prone to help couple %. So Innocent. Limo very uncool word
I think that’s best here:)
sounds very tasty
Best regards, Jan
I chose this option because I think it has a rounded and balanced taste.
I’ll take that. I like this combination.
Hello, Blackmonk.
The Classic Mix sounds good.
He’ll be a program in your project.
Greetings, Renate.
Sounds all unspectacular and forty times.
Life elixir
Raspberry is delicious, but I prefer to drink coffee and sprout water. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄