Welches Gericht ist, gemessen an der Vielseitigkeit, am flexibelsten zuzubereiten?
Ich denke mir oft Pizza oder andere Ofengerichte mit belegtem oder gefülltem Teig sind total stark, da sie wahnsinnig flexibel sind. Du kannst sie mit allem möglichen füllen oder belegen und sie sehr oft machen ohne das es langweilig wird.
Kennt ihr weitere Gerichte bei denen das so ist dass man sie sehr gut varieren kann? Oder ist Pizza o.ä. da das Nonnplusultra?
Rice or noodle pans, which can be changed almost infinitely by various vegetables, with and without meat, other spices, sauces or no sauce.
Curries, Bowls, Auflaufen and Gratins are very versatile to prepare…
Potatoes and vegetables are the best food for me in terms of variety and health.
delicious vegetable soup with noodles and mead sausages and many colorful soup vegetables in it is very simple and healthy and delicious.
All dough bags, blinis, all reels and bowls, bao, quiche, crepes. Milk rice and porridges are also hearty.
On Burger you can also make everything you want, or in Poutines and on/in waffles/-teig
Season as sauces
There are some, especially one, that make up all ice 🙂
Injera. Where the Injera is just the Fladen and directly a court. There are then countless different sauces – supplements – salads – meat dishes – vegetarians.
Very varied.
With rice dishes you can enchant infinitely many variations!
Curries are the Non Plus Ultra of versatility for me.
Pasta and potatoes.
The amount of upheavals you can conjure with it is infinite.
Pizza always remains a fluffy yeast.
So? Noodles also remain noodles, as well as potatoes remain potatoes.
but is tasty and healthy. can make tomatoes and eggplants and Zuccini and eggs or fish or chicken.
I have to contradict – the potato is very versatile. Just compare Pommes with salt fragrances…
Then chew your pizza, kid. Who cares what you eat or not.
But also a noodle is not like a noodle… Tortellinis, Spiral noodles, Lasagne, Spätzle – so many possibilities.
That’s right. Where noodles remain. no matter what other ingredients.
Ui, there’s someone coming back with a grudge.
Noodles, potatoes and rice.
Pans. Be it potato, rice, noodle or vegetable pans, or other.
In pots.
Noodles. There’s practically any kind of sauce.
And even without sauces. Only with butter and salt, or knofi and olive oil, or in riots, or as “salt” or in a pan as frying noodles…
In pots.