Welches Gemüse kann man einem Kind gut unterjubeln?


mein kleiner Bruder (8) ist nichts außer Nudeln, Kartoffeln und Schnitzel. Er ist nichtmal normales Brot. Das geht so weit dass er teilweise die Nahrungsaufnahme komplett verweigert. Wir waren beim Arzt und er hat jetzt auch bald einen Termin beim Kindertherapeuten.
Nun möchte ich wissen welches Gemüse man gut in Dingen wie Kuchen oder so unterjubeln kann, da er keine Art von Pürees isst. Selbst der bekannte Trick dass man es in die Soßen macht klappt nicht da er keine isst.

Danke schon einmal im Voraus

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2 years ago


finely seasoned and boiled vegetables would lose some of its important and temperature-sensitive vitamins anyway, but you could try something with fruit in freshly prepared sweets. (if the child would at least take yoghurts or pudding and sweet drinks / milk )

Onions & garlic etc. also go in principle to many dishes as an interesting supplement. (Grospfanne, Döner, Frikandeln, Pommes, Schnitzel)

In baked goods, trace elements + minerals can also be incorporated by proportions of whole grain flour, carrots, onions and Quark+ eggs.


2 years ago

Ruffles/carrot cake is of course a classic. Recipes can also be found for zucchini cakes.

You can make ice cream based on bananas (keyword Nicecream).

Perhaps you can playfully bring two kinds of fruit or vegetables to him, possibly in liquid form?

Wish you the therapist has some ideas. Or an explanation. Extremely selective eating behaviour is sometimes associated with an autism-spectrum stench, but it is not so rare for younger children as a whole.

2 years ago

If he likes schnitzel I would make celery carvings or cauliflower carvings, you can also pane wonderful zucchetti and eggplant slices. it is also possible to rub vegetables and bind with some egg and flour afterwards to form “scarves” and how they pan and fry. Zucchetti and carrots can each be grated in cake dough Carrot cake, beetli cake or carrot cake from Chef Video | Chef

2 years ago

You don’t have to cheer for children – on the contrary!

Zelebriere with him – and his friends – an afternoon under the motto:

Fruit and vegetables” party”…

Buy with it colorful vegetables and colorful fruits – let your imagination run free…

Each child, for example, can prove his pizza, create faces, make dinos, pirates and fables…

No child is a small fruit and vegetable muffle – you just have to make them tasty…

And self-made tastes always!

Have fun and success!

2 years ago

Chocolate cake becomes more juicy when you make it with avocado puree. Vegans take this as a substitute and he becomes more juicy. You can also pimp the dough with tomato soup. With the sweets of the tomato, the chocolate aroma comes out better and it’s nicely juicy.

Don’t know if he likes carrot cake when the parts are very small, it’s rather nutty. Wraps/rolls with corn flour

If he likes chips you could try this with chips

Mix something in juices, like smoothies

When it comes to nutrients, there are puddings from Fresubin. The drink (indicates div. varieties) can also be called shake, properly shake gives up foam. It doesn’t taste bad:-) It’s very cold. expensive, but in the case it would have to take over the cash register

Working with food color and figures, the eye can be fooled

2 years ago

If the bub likes to eat scavengers, then I would try it with panned vegetables. I like to make them with red lenses. When it comes to sweets, I’d make a carrot cake.

2 years ago

Maybe he likes smoothies? You can do well spinach and avocado and so pure (then it will be a Ninja Turtle smoothie).

Cake can be done well with carrots or red beds, which are sweet and you can call them nuts.

A neighbor’s boy was just like your brother, but he’s also grown up and now studies computer science, doesn’t worry too much 🙂