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Hi, ich bin Justin, 23 Jahre und wohne in Köln, ich möchte gerne dicker werden. Ich habe einen fettfestisch und bin noch ganz neu in dem Bereich, daher suche ich Hilfe beim zunehmen. Bin 1,85m und wiege derzeit 85kg, bitte helft mir, danke!
Preferably, wild and beef but also everything else from decent attitude. because it is usually difficult for pigs, this is probably the most rare on the menu.
Lammfilet is the best thing for me. However, there is not much to eat so that there is also something special. On the 2nd Christmas day there is always lamb fillet.
I also like to eat veal, especially as Wiener Schnitzel. However, this is eaten much more often, about 1x a week.
My remaining order looks as follows:
I very much like eating and also lots of meat, and of course I also let myself taste meat consumption – all organic, excellent quality and directly from the butcher on site (no chain, discounter or supermarket).
Mostly I eat pork (as liver sausage, cooking ham, bacon) and beef (beef chopped for bolognese, beef roast, frikadellen).
Fruitmeat – and sometimes” Replacement”meat from:
Mushrooms, Seitan, Tofu, legumes, vegetables, cereals, old bread, nuts – or rarely from “Jackfruit”…
Some would not be able to imagine in a dream (or want) what delicious and fantastic palate delights can be made from it!
The best of it:
Most “meat” omnivers don’t even notice the “small but fine” difference!
I don’t know, because I don’t have the proble
I prefer to eat pig and beef. I also eat the rest, however, find that before all, calf is easy to fad. Horse and rabbits are also extremely good, and wild of course
Any kind of meat, but very little overall.
Beef, Pig, Lamb, Kitz, Rabbit, Poultry (Huhn, Perlhuhn, Gans, Ente), Horse, Wild (Hase, Wild boar, Reh, Gams, Hirsch, Fasan, Rebhuhn, Schnepfe). The choice is great, you don’t need anything exotic.
I already ate that:
I also eat beef which is actually healthier
All three. Most probably cattle, followed by pig and rare poultry.
I like lamb in between.
Everything that is usable and available. I am selective in the type of meat, not in the type of animal it comes from.
I already ate: Various fish, pork, beef, buffalo, horse, zebra, giraffe, donkey, sheep, goat, chicken, turkey, quail, pheasant, vine, duck, goose, deer, lizard, wild boar, rabbit, pigeon, pigeon, locusts and grilles, silkworms (weeping, all that should have been…
Or anything else
Human flesh
And beef, poultry and pig. If so, because already.
All you’ve mentioned, but you can only choose one.
Beef, sheep, wild, pig in poultry only rarely chicken/chicken if I know where else duck, goose and turkey not at all.
Beef, pig, poultry and more.
But very much fish.
any meat
Every one that is of good quality.
All three.
All of it?
Soy, peas, wheat meat taste very good.
I eat all these kinds of meat.
Beef, leash, lamb, poultry,Wild