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Each vehicle moved by a ruthless and StVO-resistant vehicle driver. But it’s strange that it’s mainly car drivers.
On my last long journey (851Km) it was Mercedes, Audi, VW and BMW ́s, even if you were not able to drive faster than 170/180 Km/h, who drove before me not faster, the first-named they thought they had to climb up tightly and constantly draw attention to themselves with the light horn.
Each vehicle, which is moved by a ruthless and StVO-resistant vehicle driver.
Cars parking on cycle paths
Drivers who are not able to recognize that cyclists can also have their way.
Drivers who almost take me off the bike with the door.
There are just too many cars
Auto virus.
Less the vehicle, but the D*pp, who put the tour of the garbage truck on the main road to the main traffic time.
Quite honestly: garbage trucks at 7:00 in the morning at the B1 in Dortmund are not funny.
Tractor. (and construction vehicles which are similarly large-scale and slow)
3)BMW drivers
Stand-towers on the bike path and footpath.
E-Scooters and cyclists who think they do not apply the traffic rules.
suvs, are steadfast in the blurred and they may think everything
at least here in Switzerland, even at stops or directly at the trainof park them somewhere where there is no parking
Cyclists who drive on the road when a cycle path is right next door.
Tractors with half a field in the tire profile.
Electric and tractors
Why exactly DIE?
So I live on the land- okay, almost.
So cars have to drive on the road – how to excite, tractors and everything else – so why excite. Bikers if there is no bike path – also have to drive on the roads – but we are rare .
But racing cyclists somehow always drive on the road- even if 3 m is next to the bike path and then they also drive side by side. So yes, they’re upsetting me
Make sure that cyclists are allowed to drive alongside each other.
Well, I also know from my youth from the “Bauernland” with the non-continuous cycle paths next to 100 KM/h.
I would have to be a “normal cyclist” with extra light through the peasantry on the road.
And hyper-enhanced times briefly “lightening” I needed for there not associated lawn with long distance light with about 250 watt turbo on the front headlight, and 10 watts at the rear spotlight where there was no F cycle path there at that time on the “main roads”.
In front of the farmers with their own largest tractors, there had to be no fear of the DIE for the processing period.
Actually, only the leisure riders with their cars were really bad on DIESEN narrow streets @ 100 release.
Even the truck drivers used there understood in this situation immediately when only a short and strong light flashes against their high-beam light, or sufficiently bright at the backlight at the F-Rad slightly red.
Everything weeiiitt in front of LED was so… 😎
The slow one before me.
Two wheels