Welches DSL Kabel für 1gbit Leitung?
Hallo, Ich möchte den Router in ein anderes Zimmer stellen. Allerdings habe ich jetzt schon ein DSL Kabel, das unter den Boden geht, jetzt muss ich mir ein neues Kabel bestellen. Allerdings finde ich nur DSL Kabel mit 250 mbits, obwohl ich eine 1gbit Leitung habe. Was mache ich? Danke für die Hilfe.
DSL only goes up to 250 Mbit/s. You can then use Gigabit between your router and your PC via lan cable.
If you already have a Lankan from the router to the PC, why do you want to put the router in your room? If the LAN connection only displays 100 Mbit, you either have a problem with the lan cable or in the router the Lanport is set incorrectly. By default, Fritzboxen have set the Lanports 2-4 only to 100 Mbit, which can then be converted into the web interface.
DSL itself can only have a maximum of 16 Mbits. The next higher – also called VDSL – (Esel with rocket analogy) can be a maximum of 250 Mbit/s.
1 Gbit is only possible via a cable connection or glass fiber.
Therefore, the question: Where did you book your internet access and what exactly?
So I or my parents have Telekom as our internet provider and on the website connected devices is also getting some 1gbit; however, I need a Lan cable for my computer and my can have a maximum of 100mbits so the router is turned into my room and a new Lankabel fetched for this we also need a new Dsl cable so I wanted to ask
… then you don’t talk about the internet connection and DSL, but about your home network and the connection of the terminals via Ethernet (LAN cable) to the router. You then need a Cat5e or Cat6 Ethernet cable (Cat7 and Cat8 are completely superfluous here, because senseless – to say that as many people think it’s “better” or “faster”)
yes if I have a gbit line I thought the dsl cable must also have 1gbit is actually logical if you don’t know
Then you’re talking a whole mess. The Website is the router’s admin interface when it says that “some 1gbit is also available with connected devices” and that has nothing to do with DSL.
But since you’re sitting in front of it and considering your comment, you know what to do anyway. Just wondering, “Why exactly did the questioner ask a question…?”
Yes, I need a Dsl connection that goes into the router, I already have a Lan cable
You certainly mean 1gbit because the router port has 1 gbit LAN connection.
You just take Cat 5e cables, finished
There is no Cat 5e Dsl cable
There is no Gigabit DSL cable. You can leave the router where it is and simply test a new LAN cable to your PC. Check the configuration from the LAN port to which your PC is connected. And the LAN interface of your PC.
– And it means the Cable.