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Better, extremely timeless design and polestar does not polarize, Mercedes already, because too much snout, glare and criminals ride around with it.
There is currently no reason to buy an e-car.
Why not?
Because not yet sophisticated technology. There will certainly be some positive action in the next few years.
The technology will probably only change a little.
Do you think you’re gonna grow the akkus with new akkus?
Doesn’t matter what’s going to happen. You need the car a lot. And with subsidised and so it comes much cheaper and is better than a burner.
With me, however, the company pays a wallbox and subsidizes the car with 20% when it is fully electric.
When choosing I would take the Mercedes
So if Mercedes, then EQS, because only with the purchase you will make sure that you continue to consist of Mercedes
I personally would prefer the Volvo quite clearly
Not one of them. In the next 3-5 years, a great deal will be improved on the E sector. Why asi put a lot of money on the table for unripe technology.
Because you need a car with lots of light?
But not an e-car. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Wiso shopping pressure?
Isn’t there any situation where an e-car is better/ cheaper?
For example, A lot of PS wants is an e-car cheaper
And at the current sprit prizes wowosoo.