Welches Bild gefällt euch am besten?
Ich wollte bei dm fotoparadies Fotos bestellen, aber online sehen die meisten Fotos jetzt verpixelt aus, hat jemand Drfahrung, wenn die auf der Website verpixelt sind, kommen die dann auch so an?
Hallo liebe Leute, das soll ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für meine Mutter werden. Wie kann ich es verbessern? Was könnte ich dazu malen? Wo könnte das Auge hinschauen? Vielen lieben Dank!
Öl auf Leinwand 80 cm x 65 cm
Für gebrauchte Eos D5 Mark III werden zwar immer wieder Zahlenwerte für Auslösungen angegeben. Leider kann ich nirgendwo erruieren, mit welchen Kosten man etwa rechnen muss, wenn die Funktion “Auslösen” bei Überschreitung (Angaben zu Folge sollte eine Kamera kein Problem bis 150 000 – 180 000 Auslösungen haben) repariert oder geserviced werden muss. Ist Reparatur…
I like picture 3. The horizon is very visible in contrast to the other images. 😄😊
Best regards
I could theoretically make countless, similar images of this kind during my service, in the morning or in the evening. However, these would look quite similar and would not have the individuality of the moment.
Sunsets/rises are worth seeing, but it is often difficult to capture the atmosphere on photos.
The seen looks different to photos in most cases than in reality. The lighting conditions of the respective mood cannot be ignored in a photo.
So if you don’t have a comprehensive equipment to hand, you should add something to the motive, for example a ship in the distance, a landmark or something that is in the immediate vicinity.
In this case, I would tend to photo no. 1.
The first picture has at least something like a frame or foreground.
Such a sunset on the sea is otherwise very little picture content.
However, there is still a lot to improve.
I actually did the picture in the plane on second place next to the window. Thanks for the tips.
It’s an airplane window. Querformat only goes when you go closer to the window
😊 I was totally on the wood road. I thought it was a ship’s reling. But now I see that this is the surface. Well then you can hardly go into your knees or run around to find an optimal position.
still thank you for your answer!
Logically 3, because you have the other disturbing elements on the outside, which absolutely do not contribute to the image.
However, the 3rd picture is also not good because not really much interesting in the picture. It was certainly nice for you personally at the moment, but the picture doesn’t really bring it over.
This is – concerning the cutout – least bad.
Even though all three pictures are quite lengthy:
Number two is most attractive because it distracts from the “inhabited view” to the silhouette of the window frame and from there back to the panorama.
Image 3 best
The first thing is wrong, the second one has too much concealed and the last one sees the horizon wonderful.
Figures 1 and 2: oblique, sharp, disturbing black bars, missing eye-catcher
picture 3: sloping and sloping, missing eye-catcher
All three are for virtual tons
all look boring, so none of the above pictures.
it is not about whether the pictures are interesting or not, but which, in your opinion, is best appreciated by this selection.
then the 2nd is least bad