Welches Bier für “Anfänger”?

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ich weiß die Frage hört sich bekloppt an und ich bin eigentlich auch nicht mehr minderjährig aber da ich schon seit 9 Monaten keinen Alkohol mehr getrunken habe und ich mal wieder etwas trinken wollte, wäre meine Frage welches Bier bekömmlicher wäre und von welchem Bier man nicht so schnell betrunken wird.

Ich möchte höchstens nur leicht angetrunken sein und am besten Übelkeit oder sowas erst gar nicht bekommen, aber mein Körper wird das nach so langer Zeit Abstinenz bestimmt nicht mehr gewohnt sein, wie ich befürchte…

Über jede Antwort wäre ich dankbar.

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Which beer tastes you can only find out for you. As far as the alcohol content is concerned, the less it is, the more you can drink without getting drunk. Beer usually has 5% alcohol. Half a liter can be sufficient to feel psychoactive effects.

In addition to the drunken amount, however, many other factors play a role, and the alcohol acts on one. Like, for example, gender, body weight, reconciliation, genetics, stomach content, emotional condition, day form, drinking speed or expectation.

When you drink, you should always do this slowly and consciously. Alcohol begins to work after a few minutes, but it can take 30 to 60 minutes until a swallow of it has completely passed into the blood and fully unfolds its effect. It means that from the time when you stop drinking, the effect can only increase a little further, which is particularly unpleasant to dangerous, if you stop until it is too much for you.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Jupiter18

I would assume that.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

In doubt, this is probably the better decision. Otherwise just gently fantasize.

6 months ago

There is currently a small trend that some breweries offer light beer. This has a little less alcohol (2,5-3,5%), but tastes like normal beer (in contrast to alcohol-free beer that doesn’t taste like that).

I like to drink it because it doesn’t turn so fast. Maybe something for you?

6 months ago
Reply to  Jupiter18

If you don’t like it, you don’t have to drink any alcohol at all. It’s not a duty.

6 months ago

If there is no “normal” cyclist: from Schöfferhofer there are wheat beer with different fox juices: cherry, pomegranate, grapefruit or Maracuja. All with 2.5%.


Of course you can also simply mix yourself. Half lime (to taste), half beer.

6 months ago

Would start with a cyclist that usually has only 2.5% alcohol.

6 months ago

This alone decides the alcohol content. In Pils a little less, in wheat or export slightly higher. You can also mix beer with sprout water, which does not falsify the taste as with a Alster with lemonade.

6 months ago
Reply to  Jupiter18

You can drink what you want! If you want soft beer, I recommend Jever.

6 months ago

The Pils varieties are all very similar and have approx. 4.9 % alcohol. You won’t get drunk from up to 1 liter and not drunk.

Everything with less alcohol is not a real beer.

4 months ago

Drink sour cyclists if you don’t get so much.

4 months ago
Reply to  Jupiter18

Then make yourself an alcohol-free beer cyclist. This is from Fürstenberg, for example.

4 months ago

This is the best decision you can make. ECT