Welches Bahnticket benötige ich?
Guten Abend,
ich möchte mir gerne ein Bahnticket, aber ich weiß nicht welches ich mir holen sollen.
Ich bin 16 Jahre alt (Schüler), lebe in Bayern/Oberfranken und möchte gerne Anfang der Osterferien (12.04.2022) nach Brühl zum Phantasialand fahren und anschließend die nächsten Tage in Lüdenscheid (auch NRW) bei Kollegen verbringen. Am 16.04.2022 möchte ich zurück nach Bayern/Oberfranken. Nun stellt sich mir die Frage, welches Ticket ich benötige, damit ich ca. eine Woche durch mehrere Bundesländer fahren kann.
There are various possibilities . I recommend booking for the long distances with economical price and bahncard, the youth railway card is very cheap.
For the trips in NRW a nice day NRW or another local ticket could be good.
Find out a suitable connection and make a ticket – the sooner, the cheaper ….
prices differ in part very, very strong – sometimes you drive even 1. Greater than 2nd class.
Check the individual journeys
Back and back At 12,90 There is nothing to complain about in long distance traffic.
Then the weekly cards
There he is, the eager advocate of the Super Sparpreis Young ;D
You’re complaining without realizing anything. or that there is what you do not complain about.
by Super Sparpreis Young is nowhere. There is no. This is booked in time, price for Everyone!
This is what you take with you as a logical thinking person or let it go instead of how you complain about it.
And the regional transport is ordered by your BL including their fees. So this has absolutely no problems to do with each other.
Just you as (probably) 15 year old teenagers should be able to do something to him. For you, there are 90% student tickets. With student ID.
Sad. Sad. Sad.
I am very intensively dealing with the price policy of public transport, and the spectrum of references of my criticisms based on it shoots far beyond Google.
I could now ask very hypocritically where I would have “meckered” in the upper commentary. In order not to undo the discussion: if I did not in fact, a humoristic (as the Emote clearly emphasizes) Allusion was intended on my question, which you already implied, why people from 15 “still” pay the full fare.
By the way, 12,90 Euro is exclusively “Super Sparpreis Young” (or “Super Sparpreis Aktion” for everyone, but also only limited in time).
Because there is a need for discussion:
You say there is no basic reduction for over 14-year-olds, because there are enough other offers for those age groups. In my opinion, this does not justify an arbitrary/profit-oriented definition of the age limit of a basic reduction. According to your logic, you could e.g. the basic reduction previously applicable only for persons from 6 to 14 also completely cancel.