Welches Auto ist günstig, hat viel PS und kostet wenig im Unterhalt?

Guten Tag, ich wollte mir demnächst ein neues Auto kaufen, welches sportlicher ist als mein jetziges das neue Auto sollte besitzen:

  • ab 200PS aufwärts
  • 4 Türer wäre optimal ist aber kein MUSS
  • Benziner
  • Unterhaltskosten bis 2000€/jährlich
  • langlebig bzw. wenn es ein Auto ist, wo die Schwachstellen bekannt sind bitte mitgeben
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3 years ago

PS has little to do with sportiness. Have you been looking for something rough? Or is something important to you, old, running performance and co?

3 years ago
Reply to  Alopezie

PS has little to do with sportiness

You have to explain to me

3 years ago
Reply to  PolNRW93

Why? I don’t know what a sports car is? PS are only an old power unit, but a car with a lot of power is not necessarily athletic!

3 years ago

I did not say that the PS number is the only or only the most important feature of a sports car.

I have said that performance is quite a decisive feature for sportiness. I am quite aware that there are other things that belong to it, like the handling.

You just sounded like the performance wasn’t important at all. And that’s not true.

3 years ago

You’re a real one to me. A sports car is not characterized by the PS number, even if children want to believe it. Power weight is crucial, handling is decisive, not just any number. Or is a 200hp Opel zafira a sports car? Or is a 240hp VW Passat a sports car? Or is a 300hp Opel Insignia a sports car?

read the definition of sports cars

3 years ago

Whether PS is an “old power unit” or not, is completely irrelevant to the question! Let’s go. Don’t change the content of the question.

And the engine performance with which a car is equipped by factory is a very decisive feature of sportiness.

Or can you think that a 45 kw car can be called “sporty”?

3 years ago

you’d better start with Porsche. In liability, there are many models type class 10 (the lowest and cheapest what is available). Of course, when you start with partial cheese/full cheese, the fun will stop again.

But in general I find that you can’t do anything wrong with Porsche in terms of price performance.

3 years ago

It is done, money well invested

CL 500, from now on radiates

3 years ago
Reply to  xXT04ST3RXx

The CLK and CLS.

3 years ago

Which car is cheap, has a lot of PS and costs little in maintenance?

The KIA Stinger.


3 years ago

Ford Mustang is pretty good and partially available from 40k

I hope I could help