Welches Auto als Fahranfänger?

Also ich bin monentan 17 Jahre und bin fast fertig mit meinem Führerschein und ich bin am überlegen was für ein Erstauto ich mir holen soll ich möchte nicht wie jeder zweite mit einem Ford Fiesta oder einem VW Polo rumfahren ich habe mich ein bisschen umgesehen und 2 Fahrzeuge gefunden die ich persönlich in Erwägung ziehen können. Einmal den VW Scirocco und einmal den Ford Focus beide zwischen 110-160ps aber jetzt stell ich mir die Frage welcher dieser Fahrzeuge besser wäre im Unterhalt und in der Anschaffung oder ob es bessere und günstigere Fahrzeuge gibt? Schonmal im Vorraus vielen Dank für die Antwort!!!

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6 months ago

So with a starter, I think the PS number is too high. I would advise a vehicle with a maximum of 80 hp, everything else is not to be mastered for beginners, you read it every day in the accident reports.

6 months ago

My advice: get a used place where a taste can come in. It happens 100 per in the beginning. There I would not put on brands or special cars, but on functionality. My wishes for a car are meanwhile: corridors have to go reasonably in, air conditioning, reasonable trunk.

At the beginning, the car will cost you enough annually by the insurance alone – some 1000 to 2000 euros. I would also take a car with less hp as a beginner. All friends of my cousins have managed to scrape the cars with the many hp while my cousin’s 60 hp car has been driving on for over 12 years and never had anything.

And you can get a Monday car everywhere. My Skoda Fabia has so far been quite favorable in maintenance. Why? Because he’s so young. But I can’t compare him with my Ford Fiesta, because he’s got ten years more on the hump. There’s more going down. The Fiesta has eaten around 5,000 euros due to its age in recent years. Why do my parents keep entertaining him? He’s got a taste, and my sister is allowed to drive it as soon as she has the license.

I’d say, pay a lot of costs. Enter your data with Huk24 or with other insurance providers.

Annually, it is better with costs around 4,000 euros.