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It’s difficult, there are many good ones. So I like everyone at JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and Osomatsu-san. At Attack on Titan, I like everyone except two. But there are also good openings of anime that just have an opening. I couldn’t decide.
So I’m interpreting the question now so that it’s looking for animes that had several good openings (at different seasons).
This would come up with Haikyuu with all the songs from Burnout Syndromes (Fly high, Hikari and Phoenix)
Or JJK with Kaikai Kitan, Vivid Vice, ao no sumika and Specialz, which I all found well. (King at JJK remains the ending Sakayume of the film JJK Zero)
And then, of course, Digimon. Each opening from season 1 to 5.
I found the opening of “Interspecies Reviewers” very funny.
Attack On Titan.
Go through the ear. Stay in your head.
Attack on Titan and Watamote.
But Death Note, Another and Dororo are also supi.
And then there are some others, but the ones I like most personally.
Always the one I’m looking at.
Of course Digimon.
Visual Prison.
Oh, there are really good ones.
Sign and Blue Bird are just falling into my mind.
My Hero Academia
Naruto Shippuden