Welches 2-Takt Öl für mein Mofa (Piaggio Bravo)?
Welches 2 Takt Öl sollte ich für meine Piaggio Bravo verwenden?
Habe gelesen es sollte teilsynthetisch sein, könnt ihr das bestätigen und falls ja von welcher Marke Bzw. Welches Produkt sollte ich kaufen?
Danke schon mal im Voraus
Half-synthetically enough brand is no matter the engine can not read.lg Max
No matter what – the cheapest is enough. This is only interesting in high-performance machines.
First of all, I would buy another mofa, also had this: buy Piaggio = run home!
The Mofa runs 1A and has a super quality
If you live in town, I believe you…
The two-stroke engine oil Eurol TTX
good and partly synthetic.
For me, only the page is displayed not the product.
What price is the product?
Or this (good and very favorable, namely only half as expensive as the proposed from the other answer):
Yeah, it’s partially synthetic.
can be that the oil is good but not for this purpose the engine of ner bravo will not be hot enough to burn the oil. this is a simple speed of cooled 50ccm 2 tacter with hardly any power and without high thermal load.
Quatsch, this is even much better than mineral, or the 1 stage worse proposed (JASO FD vs. JASO FC). This is because the exhaust is less coking, and that is exactly what the mofa has to do. The candles also hide less, this is also very important.
“Too good” doesn’t exist here.
oh one of the questions about the product has been incorrectly answered simply not note my comment.
No problem. 🙂 … I know that I always have the right 8;)