Welcher Weißwein ist der beste?
Soave DOC
Robert WEil Junior Grauburgunder QBA
Pinot Grigio DOC
Chardonnay IGT
J.P. Chenet Colombard Sauvignon
Grand Sud Chardonnay
Lugana DoC
Blanchet Blan de Blancs
Köhler Kaisermantel Grauburugnder
Pinot Grigio DOC
Doppio Passo Grillo Sicilia
Sauvignon Blanc
Michel schnneider grauer burgunder
Riesling reinhessen
Käfer Pinot grigio
maybach weißer burgunder
bio riesling
rivaner grauer burgunder qba
bio landlust bio Riesling & Grauer Burgunder
Grand sud Chardonnay
Bio bio Chardonnay Puglia IGT
Lauffener Wingärtner Schwarzzrielsing weißgekeltert
Robert Weil junior Weißburgunder qba
torres vina sol
grüner veltiner qw
freixenet mia blacno
blacnhet blan des blancs
geissini grace pinot grigio venezie igt
bio landlust bio weißer burgunder
le flamand blanc
gallo moscato
michel schneider riesling pfalz qba
gallo chardonanay california
Pfälzer landwein weiß trocken
bio pinot grigio igt
lamberti pinot grgio delle venezie doc
chardonany les aromes de frankrecih
ritmo de la vida verdejo
lorch grauer burgunder rivaner
müller thurgau weiß pflaz trocken
barfoot pinot grigio
antinori bianco toscana
grand sud sauvignon blanc
perla tera pinot grigio
overseas cahrdonanny kalifornia
käfer cchardonnay igp trocken
lorch weißburugndeur pfalz
corsaiere reserve du president dweiß igp
pilar pinot grigio trocken
pflaz riesling qba trocken
freixenet mederano blanco lieblich reuda lorch kerner pfalz qba trocken
blanchet chardonnay trocken
silvaner qba
lorch reisling pfalz qba trocken
becksteiner winhaus weißbrugunder
overseas chardonnay austrlien
lorhc müller thurgau pfalz wba
becklsteiner winhaus müller trocken
It is always the wine of the best wine that matches your taste…
Your list primarily refers to grape varieties, partly with manufacturers.
The A & O of a good wine is a good vintage.
As a top priority in finding a good wine, 3 points should be considered, vintage, and then vintage!
From a moderate vintage never a good wine originates…
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
With German Riesling and German Grauburgunder around the 8-10 Euro from the Rheingau or the Palatinate you can make little wrong. I miss a corer from Baden in the list.
Wine is a matter of taste and anyway it is also dependent on vintage and origin. So the same grape can taste completely different.
Wine is a matter of taste and you will have to try to find your favorites.