What is the best path to becoming an interior designer?

Hello, my name is Nathalie.

I'd really like to become an interior designer and have done a lot of research online. But I'm not sure what to do next. I have a master's degree (MSA), and the next step would be a vocational high school diploma (Fachabitur), which I think will take two years, followed by university (I think it will take four years). Is this the right path, or is there an easier, shorter route?

I would be very happy about an answer☺️

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1 year ago

I studied something completely different, but I’m trying to:

  • At the DH/FH/Uni, you can find out whether your planned school degree is enough (where all- HS-Reife offers more possibilities, but now you can finish your school degree that is currently underway).
  • A Bachelor’s degree is typ. 6-8 semesters, i.e. 3-4 years. But figure out how the job opportunities are afterwards. Uni-Bachelor in a STEM-specialist can be forgotten because only 6 semesters and only created as a better pre-graduate. FH/DH have a little longer Bachelor and are much more practical -> much better job opportunities than Bachelor. If you need a master, you need a master. 10 semesters without additional semester.
