Welcher puls ist normal?
Kurze Vorgeschichte…
also ich habe noch nie sonderlich auf meinen Puls geachtet und habe eine Apple Watch die auch den Schlaf überwachen kann, also dachte ich mir warum nicht. Am nächsten Morgen war eine Mitteilung das mein Puls bei 39 lag.
Natürlich fand ich es ungewöhnlich, also googelt man ein bisschen und soweit ich es verstanden habe ist es nicht normal soweit man kein Leistungssportler ist( ich fahre sehr oft Mountainbike also die Woche sicher 3-4 mal um die 6km wenn nicht sogar mehr) aber muss ich mir jetzt sorgen machen ?
Ich habe keine Vorerkrankungen mit dem Herzen und hatte auch keine Probleme ich fand es allerdings beängstigend.
kann mir bitte jemand
helfen 👍🏻
Yes a resting pulse of 39 blows per minute is already unusual but I don’t think you should worry if you don’t have any other symptoms like dizziness dizziness chest pain or short breathing try to pay attention to whether you have what I have read that the genetics can also play a role the man has a low resting pulse from nature or if you do regular fitness or take medication if you are still worried
The heart relaxes in sleep! The pulse goes down.
Especially when the muscles are all relaxed and that do not work, not as much blood is needed in the body as in the waking state.
That would actually be very little. The best way to do this for several nights, maybe the measurement was also faulty. If this happens more often, you should consult a doctor for security reasons.
The normal rest pulse is between 60-80 BPM for most people. He sometimes falls deeper when sleeping. Mine sometimes under 50 and the watches can often also make measurement errors. Generally, a lower pulse is almost always better than too high!
But do I have to worry now that I die suddenly or can I go to sleep now and watch the whole thing a little?
No! You don’t have to worry. Just watch the following nights! This was most likely a measurement error. I’m always totally happy when my pulse was super low at night 😁
You too and sleep well 😴
Okay thank you very much
Bad news