Welcher PC für CAD?

Hallo zusammen, 

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem PC fürs Home Office (nicht zum selber bauen).

Ich arbeite mit AutoCAD und QGis über 2 Monitore wo mehrere Programme gleichzeitig geöffnet sind und es sind große Datenmengen.

Jetzt wollte ich euch fragen ob ihr mir was empfehlen könnt und wo ich am besten einen kaufen soll. 

War bei Mediamarkt und Expert und mir wurde dieser PC Empfohlen https://www.mediamarkt.de/de/product/_acer-predator-orion-3000-po3-655-mit-seitenfenster-windows-11-home-64-bit-gaming-desktop-mit-intelr-14700f-prozessor-16-gb-ram-1-tb-ssd-nvidia-geforce-rtxtm-4070-2917632.html

Ich dachte an so eine Zusammenstellung:

Prozessor: mind. Intel Core i7 mit 3.5 GHz

Arbeitsspeicher: mind. 16 GB besser 32GB

Festplatte: SSD 1TB 

Grafikkarte: ???

Betriebssystem: Windows 11 

1x HDMI, mind. 2x Displayport

Preis: ca. 1.500€

Bei der Grafikkarte bin ich mir unschlüssig. 

Was sagt ihr zu der Zusammenstellung?

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir da weiter helfen. 

Besten Dank schon mal.

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8 months ago

If you work with AutoCAD, the question of the graphics card (GraKa) should be answered very quickly.

Autodesk has a list of certified graphics hardware and it is very recommended to also use a GraKa from this list if you want support. Sonnst can happen that Autodesk says: “Yes nice for you, but doof that you don’t use any hardware we have released, because unfortunately we can’t help.”

Even with the other conditions, they do not hold back.

Graphic hardware: https://www.autodesk.com/support/system-requirements/certified-graphics-hardware

General conditions: https://www.autodesk.de/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/DEU/System-requirements-for-AutoCAD-LT-2025.html

The PC named by you is advertised as a gaming PC identity of the link. Note that GraKas for Gaming and CAD are two few boots. You can do both of them, but in doubt, it’s only very good.

8 months ago

For 1700€ too little performance is available.

Do you know someone who could build a pc for you (friends, family or something) or do you trust yourself?

8 months ago
Reply to  Raptor2799

And would 1500 or 1700 be the maximum budget?

8 months ago
Reply to  Japob

So I have to be very pre-built. I need to look.

8 months ago

No, I’m sorry. I’m not in the workstation PC theme. For most others working is especially important vram, which is why I have recommended you the 7900xt, but for autoCAD only workstation gpu’s works, which I have never recommended not to read me in eiml.

8 months ago

It won’t work.

So probably already certified are only workstation graphics cards. (Teurer and not suitable for gaming.)

8 months ago

A graphics card custom to connect the dp. When you connect your display to your motherboard, the screens work through the integrated graphics.

8 months ago

Just look at Geizhals, where it’s best.

8 months ago


And the 1700€

It has the same performance, but 2tb, better motherboard and power supply as well as water cooling.

8 months ago

I’ll build you one for 1500 and one for 1700.

8 months ago

It’s just to make a stick bootable and then pack Windows(0€)(you’d better watch a tutorial to watch what you’re doing) or you can buy a stick with Windows for 20€. On both of them, you need to activate Windows, but this is only one code (5-10€)