Welcher Motorkühlflüssigkeit bei meinem Auto, Wintertauglich?
Die Spezifikation lautet WSS-M97B44-D . Motocraft SuperPlus Kühlkonzentrat. Steht in den Technischen Daten.
Jetzt wollte ich die ganze Flüssigkeit ablassen und neue einfüllen welche wintertauglich ist.
Die nahe werkstatt verlangt um die 90 € dafür.
Könnt ihr mir sagen welche handelsübliche Flüssigkeit ich kaufen kann ? die oben genannte finde ich nur im internet.
und eine andere frage, ist in dem Motocraft superplus kühlkonzentrat der frostschutz drin ? oder muss er mit frostschutz gemischt werden ?
bin um jede hilfe dankbar
find at Amazon, and certainly also in a well-sorted construction market; in the KFZ corner. there must only look for and compare.
Why do you want to leave?
get a spindle at the same time and measures the frost protection.
in the cooler is also only water and frost protection. in the cooler should be at least -25°.
distilled water or normal krane water?
from the line too
How do you want with one Spindle measure frost protection? What you mean, probably a Antifreeze tester be…
Wrong – see my comment …
I don’t know what you’re doing
I mean …
I know this as a “acid lifter” and works with a kind of “Cartesian diver“. However, there may also be coolants – there are different versions.
It may also be that some call things incorrectly “spindle”, but as mechanical engineers I know a “spindle” only as a metal shaft with thread on it.
The correct technical expression for what you mean is “Frostschutzprüfer”…
Many also say “Spiral Bohrer” instead of the correct expression “spiraluse drills or say “screwdrivers” instead of “screwdrivers”, which would be the correct expression.
Instead of WSS-M97B44-D, G30 is also suitable?
I’ve never had to change the engine cooling liquid, only to change to “winter mode”
What do I do if I don’t know what’s in it? Then I have to leave and refill and not mix
You always buy the concentrate. It is on the pack that it must be diluted with water. The filling quantity is necessitated from the instructions for use in a vehicle or from the Internet and the required quantity can be mixed according to the desired frost resistance.
At ATU you will surely get a suitable freeze protection.
Why do you even want to change that? Man driving all year round with frost protection.
“Now I wanted to drain the whole liquid and fill in new ones which are suitable for winter.”
WARUM DASS DENN? Spindle your current cooling water, which is in circulation. The cooling water spindles are available for a few €s in the construction market and thus you can easily determine up to which temperature the coolant does not freeze.
Problem is I don’t know what cooling fluid is currently in it.you shouldn’t mix and since it’s just at min I didn’t want to mix anything wrong