Welcher luftmassenmesser für ein BMW?
Ich muss an meinen bmw den luftmassenmesser wechseln und wollte mal fragen worauf man achten, welche Marke sollte man nehmen? Was wäre das original. Bosch oder Pierburg?
Mein Wagen ist ein BMW E61, 525d VfL
Look at the BMW parts numbersI’m sure it’s on the old one.
Here you can look at it, according to the year of construction there were certainly different installed.
Even if you are looking for the spare part (Autoverwerter), google after the part number (last 7 digits), you will get the right one.
Google for example: BMW 7788744
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 1).
Here is a BMW part catalogue:
(set either exactly your model, or enter the old part number in the search box)
you can also see in which BMW vehicles the part has been installed. Click on the [i ] in the part list (http://de.bmwfans.info/parts-catalog/E61/Europe/525d-M57N/L-N/mar2006/browse/fuel_preparation_system/hot_film_air_mass_meter/#pos_1)
Good luck!
Super thanks to you
PS: Whether Bosch or Pierb…. is definitely on the old one (logo or lettering, ….).
Good luck!
Just looked. Is from Bosch
does not have to be an original Bosch, but I would not take the most cheapest.
Lg, Anna
I ordered one of Bosch now
you didn’t do anything wrong with it, except that it would have been a little cheaper somewhere else.
Lg, Anna
you can’t go
I paid for atp 106 euros, was down.