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Can be that I’m just a Lenovo fanboy, but the dinger are horny
The ThinkPads at least have full support and very detailed instructions on each Linux distro, can be repaired, generally keeping all of them out
But you need to keep looking if the Lenovo laptop can do that too
I would choose the Samsung because of the processor strength. I basically find the AMD less powerful and not as durable as an Intel processor.
But otherwise everything speaks for the Lenovo because it is bigger – I always prefer a 17.3 customs because I always had one like that before. In addition, the Lenovo has the better system a professional system may be of advantage. And you also have MS office. Then ask yourself if you have a key for it.
Only 265 SSD and 8 RAM are embarrassing! Take the Lenovo
pure from the CPU is the samsung laptop better than the lenovo.
the samsung laptop in turn has only the hips of RAM in contrast to the lenovo laptop.
the lenovo laptop has twice as much SSD again.
These are two completely different target groups.
Better performance has the Lenovo device.
I wonder what your requirements are
Video editing and a game.
they are made for two completely different purposes.
The Samsung has a touch screen but still weaker with the specs, right?
you have to say for what exactly you want to use that thing.
then lenovo.
For video editing and a game.