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1 year ago

A quarter of the Cambodian population was murdered and that was only in a few years’ time, only Pol Pot, called Brother No. 1 .

If the “brother” had had a few years to install the “perfect revolution”, then the genocide at its own population would have succeeded in 90%.

And where did Pol Pot learn the revolution and the associated theoretical superstructure?
Of course in France!

1 year ago
Reply to  quantthomas

Thanks for the award and greetings 🙏🏻

10 months ago

A great communist as he stands in the book. So communist that he was supported by the CIA and chased out of office by our brothers from Vietnam, and still years later was recognized by the US as the lawful head of Cambodia. All right.

Stalin was not perfect, but he saved Eastern Europe from something much worse.

PS: It’s Pol Pot, not Pol Phot.

11 months ago

The guy was just sick. When he was a communist, he always heard secretly Western music and carried jeans when nobody looked at it. He alone is the reason why communism today has such a bad reputation.

1 year ago

What should be a communist dictator? A democratic dictator? It just doesn’t open, you can try for so long.

And your examples are anything but communist.

The choices are therefore inconsistent with the question, which also contains a contradiction in itself.

Apart from that, I think it is questionable to make a “Rangliste” just because “schlimm” is not a measurable value. Both were very bad, that’s what counts.

1 year ago

In total, Stalin killed more people, proportional to the population and in just a few years Pol Pot.

1 year ago

Hey – what is it; it was not a real communism; all just a great misunderstanding – so the at least the communism friends will try to turn as always after old-known mashed…

11 months ago
Reply to  ChrisGE1267

And you think something like Pol Pot could happen in a highly developed industrial state. All right…

11 months ago
Reply to  BoeJiden838

Communism cannot happen in any “highly developed industrial state” – then it is no longer a highly developed industrial state. Still all right?

6 months ago

Communism cannot happen in any “highly developed industrial state” – then it is no longer a highly developed industrial state. Still all right?

Funny, my parents always explain to me that the USSR was a highly developed industrial state at the time and that most of it was better at that time, and that from their homeland after the collapse of the USSR virtually became a developing country. Only with the difference that they come from Ukraine and not like you from Gelsenkirchen (I suppose the “GE” is in your name, if I’m wrong) and have experienced it differently from yourself.

11 months ago

Do you want to discuss cannabis legalization with me now?

Something like Pol Pot or Holodomor (a famine like any other in the 1000-year history of Russia) could never happen in Germany, whether communists come to power or not. Who seriously believes this could happen in Germany in the 21st passing the century, who probably also believes in the great exchange, the flat earth, or the famous Chemtrails;)

11 months ago

Already smoked the first joint?

11 months ago

“So WiE diE aNgEzOgEn WaR woLLte SiE eS dOcH.”

11 months ago

That is why it is also poor developing countries and will also remain such – people in industrial states do not want dictatorial equality…

11 months ago

To find out this, a highly developed industrial state would have to try communism. To date, all states in which communism has defeated poor developing countries have been. That is why people like Pol Pot have come to power.

1 year ago

The two bastards don’t take much.

1 year ago

He was a real ranch.