Welcher Kleber für Holzblöcke?
Welcher Kleber eignet sich am besten zum Zusammenkleben mehrerer kleiner Holzwürfel? Ich will eine Art Pixelart erstellen. Habe es bereits mit Heißkleber, Sekundenkleber, Bastelkleber und durchsichtigem Uhu versucht und nichts klappt richtig.
There’s nothing else that works: do you have wood glue at home or can you get it? Best Expess glue that dries a little faster. It is best to exert pressure for a while (compress the blocks) so that it lasts properly.
I also mean, wood glue because otherwise the wood can absorb normal glue and bend when drying..
that is called wood glue,
Wood glue.
However, you must have something to fix the workpieces because the glue acts like a lubricant. It is necessary to press the workpieces at least slightly until it has tied down (details in the processing instructions). And this makes the parts slip very much while you pull the screw clamps, and you get mad.
Especially if one tries to wear more than two workpieces simultaneously.
I like to take steel blocks or any other metal blocks to align and press the workpieces with other forces to prevent them from slipping away.
And it’s a bit tricky to wear forehead wood cut perpendicular to the fiber, there are certain tricks (youtube cuckoo) but depending on the fact, it doesn’t keep that good.
Yes, I would say wood glue
Wood glue. Brand name Ponal.
To glue wood, use white glue, e.g. “Ponal”. The parts must then be pressed together until the glue is completely dried.
wood glue (ponal), bone glue