Welcher Kaffee Typ seid ihr?
Ich bin von Filterkaffee zur Pad Maschine und dann beim Vollautomat gelandet. Möchte wohl auch nichts anderes mehr.
Ihr könnt gerne eure „kleine Geschichte“ dazu schreiben.
Ich bin von Filterkaffee zur Pad Maschine und dann beim Vollautomat gelandet. Möchte wohl auch nichts anderes mehr.
Ihr könnt gerne eure „kleine Geschichte“ dazu schreiben.
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Hi, Alex B86.
I’ll join you right away.
I also only use my full machine.
First of all, I have always freshly brewed coffee ☕️, and secondly, the bitters are removed, which is noticeable with a coffee drinker, as I am one.
I don’t want to miss my full coffee machine anymore.
Greetings, Renate.
We’re back at the filter coffee.
A whole series of tests with different machines led to this decision.
The problem is the degree of hardness of water in our region. All machines were calcified in a very short time and we actually had more cleaning stress than coffee.
Our ancient porcelain filter, a good coffee from a small, fine roastery.
A great result. As a pensioner, we also have the time for this procedure.
Then we don’t drink this coffee with “normal” coffee cream, no, we can add the real cream.
So, now enough swept, breakfast is waiting.
Another great pleasure in coffee.
Flair Pro 2, fully mechanical espresso hand lever.
I also have an E61 pump machine since I have used the flair but I no longer use it. Just because I like the flair much better.
The espresso from the flair is for me the “blueprint” for good espresso: almost like a ristretto, sweet, sirup-like, just divine. I prefer 18 grams of flair, about 22 to 24 grams.
The ritual with the lever, where you can feel exactly how the coffee cake reacts to the generated pressure, and you can react accordingly, all this has become indispensable to me.
Disadvantages are the many parts and accordingly the outlay is rather large, the machine is continuously disassembled and reassembled. Advantage: no descaling, no service, even nix. The machine is clean, dry, empty and ready at any time.
Good morning Alex,
I prefer French Press, we have it at home.
The coffee powder is then poured manually with hot water and pressed down with a sieve after the drawing time.
https://pixabay.com/de/photos/coffee machine-franz%C3%B6sian piston-2220369/
I drink as a coffee fan but also any other coffee.
Let him taste! ☕ 🙂
Thank you for the answer and the exact explanation.
You’re welcome.
According to the reports by colleagues who have taken part in this, I was looking for one myself. After deciding for one, I was a bit disappointed at first, but clearly a miracle device can’t be. After a phase in which the settings were constantly changed, I found the right setting for me. Now the advantage for me is clear. Coffee is always available in consistent quality, faster than any other method of preparation.
I often use a small screen carrier machine – with freshly ground coffee from a roastery in the area.
If more is because visit is there, then there is the FrenchPress or Mokakanne
So also filter coffee, but hand brewed, which makes a big difference.
In addition, high-quality coffee from a small private roastery, refined with a few crumbs of salt and a mini amount of coconut oil organic to also dissolve the oils in the coffee, which are great flavor carriers.
Furthermore, slow pouring so that the aroma can develop 👌🏼.
On the way or in a café like a latte Macchiato from the full machine, as I do not say no 😁
if you define the preparation with the simple coffee machine (with filter bag) as a filter coffee
the pads are too expensive and also too expensive from the packaging (waste)
Yes I mean the classic coffee machine with filter.
Pads also became too expensive to me and from the waste they are certainly not so good.
I’ve got a Frenchpress at home. Probably counts to filter coffee?😅 In the university I always go to the machine (because this is a full machine) instead of the machine for filter coffee.
With my parents there’s still a pad machine, but I don’t often use it. tastes also horny, but is more unnecessary I think because full overpriced is find I haha
Frenchpress? Never heard. Before everyone has to ask Google, can you explain that?
Thank you
Well, it’s just like a glass container like a cylindrical haha and there’s coffee powder in it, hot water on it, let it pull 10-15 minutes and can then push the coffee powder particles down with such a nem thing, is like a sieve and then you have the coffee set down there and can pour the rest in cups
Okay has been very cumbersome I think hahah
Meanwhile there was an answer with explanation and picture, so I already knew what it is. I just didn’t know the name.
Nevertheless, thanks for your explanation.
I like coffee in Italian style. And I love about 1/3 milk. But without sugar;-)
LG etincelles
How is the Italian way exactly?
With a small coffee-cooker glass of metal with metal screen. The coffee powder is poured into this sieve. And in the lower screw cap the water. Then boil on the stove until it spins up into the above the screw cap + metal sieve, in the case the chicken. Injection into a cup – > finished!
Now understood, thank you for the explanation
@AlexB86 very happy 🙂
I love these cold coffee drinks from the supermarket refrigeration counter 😬
At home there are coffee from the full machine…… I prefer filter coffee made with porcelain filter
Best French Press (Bodrum) or Bialetti.
Screen carrier machine. It’s by far the best coffee. Alternatively French Press or Filter. Pad or full machine are nothing for me.
At the moment espresso coffee maker (if visit and therefore more coffee FrenchPress), possibly a screen carrier espresso machine, but not a full automatic.
At home the Philips Senseo with pads, at work a law full machine with freshly ground beans.
I don’t like any difference. 🤷
Actually, I like espresso.
is due to my dose, and coffee selection!
+ Nespresso machine because the espresso gets better.
I don’t drink a lot of coffee, it’s not worth a full machine.
Drink any coffee 😂 even instant
…at home, in the company then full automatic.
Filter coffee
After the third full scrap machine, I activated my filter coffee machine again. 😂
With enough coffee powder it can easily keep in taste with an automatic machine.
From time to time it has been turkishly brewed.
Drink germ coffee 🙂 😂
You will certainly also come to taste 😋
Screen carrier
in the quantities of coffee we drink, we have a full machine.
I hate coffee
It’s one of the few drinks I don’t like.
Cultural 😜🤣
I don’t like beer either.
If I could choose it, I’d like beer, that’s still more embarrassing among men.
My uncle only drinks alcohol-free light beer and if he offers me one, he thinks I’m totally the sucker if I even refuse it.
Coffee is not a drink. Coffee is the quality of life you are desiring to 😀
Nene, I’m just pressing a monster ^
Alcohol-free light beer… 🤔 What’s wrong with your uncle?
Powder coffee
I’ll put it in the filter coffee category, or do you prepare it without filter?
Soluble coffee / Nescaffee
Ok understood, sorry 🙈