Welcher Job ohne Ausbildung?
Hey Hey 👋🏾
Bin 20 und musste meine Ausbildung (coronabedingt) abbrechen.
Hab danach kurz als Produktionshelfer in einer Firma gearbeitet, aber ist überhaupt nicht meins. Hat jemand von euch Erfahrung oder vllt bisschen mehr Ahnung von dem ganzen?
Will einfach nur Arbeiten. Keine Schichtarbeit, das kann mein Körper nicht so ab. Auch keine Wochenendarbeiten.
Muss dringend Geld sparen und will einf einen Job, bei dem ich normal verdiene. Und erstmal NICHT eine neue Ausbildung anfangen.
Klar ich weiß, ohne Ausbildung werd ich keine 5000€ im Monat kriegen. Aber wenigstens bisschen überm Mindestlohn, wenn ich Vollzeit arbeite.
Wäre dankbar falls jemand irgendeinen Vorschlag hat…
Bin weiblich übrigens
Jobs there is enough without training but would recommend that you do that.
Jobs without training
Letter carrier/volume power or operation in the gastro/production in the industry/auxiliary power on the construction/aid power at the Deutsche Bahn usually with training which pays the train/usw
Ask a bakery about a job as a bakery worker.
There are always simple activities in the bakery that everyone can do.
You need a health card.
The training only takes a few hours.
Google time: City name, Health ID.
You’ll be able to do this without training and without layer supplements. Not impossible, but hard.
There are enough jobs, because even with training in the area at the beginning you earn only minimum wage, why should you be inflexible to someone and have nothing big to prove?
The easiest thing will probably be in a supermarket, where it’s questionable whether someone will hire you if you refuse Saturday work. In addition, there is a certain layer system there, if I don’t get as bad as in some other job.
Thank you. I don’t have anything to do with different layers of day, but night shift isn’t mine.
there are many ways to succeed even without training professionally.
I’m just studying and I have a side job for which you don’t need training or studies. Many of my colleagues do the main job and do not have training and deserve good.
If you like, you can answer me. Then I’ll tell you a little bit about it.
Female & 20 years old
Without training it becomes really difficult because in some trainings you earn more than you earn full-time without training, especially because of taxes.
Aldi and Lidl pay €14 per hour, but I don’t think that the unskilled hire full-time. Discounters are looking for many working students or part-time workers.
Hello – understandable situation and shame that Corona has given you the training.
We are employers and have met many people in your situation over the last two years.
We can only advise you: Let a service provider support you and try it with time work.
1️⃣ You deserve in the time work according to tariff. That’s more than the minimum wage. From October, the tariff fee in the time work even increases over the minimum wage to €12.43 per hour.
2️⃣ You can try out many jobs and find out what suits you and, if necessary, find a new training establishment! You can also choose from different working time models and do not shift work.
If you have any more questions, you can follow us on Instagram and send us a DM or browse our guide. We have written articles about your question 😉
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/go_renta/
Counselor: https://www.go-renta.de/ratgeber
We’ll push the thumbs!
Without training, you will get the maximum minimum wage and usually for work that nobody else wants to do.
Why no new training? Is it better?
I don’t know what. And until I get this out, I don’t just want to sit at home
And you think that’s good in the CV?! Well…
haha doesn’t know why. That is why I want to work and not live at the expense of the state until I know what I want to do. What now does any training start from despair without being sure if you really want it?
save unnecessary comments please if you have no idea, thank you
In production as a helper or seek your luck with the loan company and possible takeover at the company