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I don’t like it personally
It’s okay
Every meat should have his chance.
M. E. is a good goulash always good. No matter what meat. The goulash of the wild is not to be despised. Even a potato or sausage goulash is still fine.
A completely successful invention.
Beef goulash. Mixed to the emergency, but then with more than 50 percent beef.
I don’t like pork, I’m too fat.
There are still poultry goulash from which I am not so enthusiastic, the meat is always so stubborn.
If Gulasch then definitely beef.
I like to eat every goulash, but if I can choose, I take the mixed goulash.
Will be much more aromatic than pig, although pig has the advantage that it remains significantly tenderer/will.
If so, better tasteful.
Wild boar, otherwise beef.
Mixed and Hungarian. With potatoes and beans.
Because I don’t like cows, I just eat it with pigs.
in “unnatural” manner
Mixed with wild also tastes very good. 🙂